April 11, 2017 – As spring is bringing its usual influx of tourists, Tom Doyle’s presentation this week was particularly on topic. Doyle began work as a driver for Palmetto Carriage Company in 1977 and become president in 1983. He remained at the helm of the company until very recently when his son took over the reins (pun intended!). Doyle originally moved to Charleston to attend the Citadel in 1966 where he obtained his bachelor’s degree and has never left. He is a past president of the Low Country Association of Tourism Executives. With Palmetto he has been honored to arrange tours for U.S. Presidents and other dignitaries, including Neil Armstrong to whom he gave the warning as he boarded the carriage to “watch that one small step.” Doyle noted that most visitors to Charleston do some shopping and walking, but when it comes to structured events most take a tour and the vast majority of those taking tours make that tour a carriage ride. Continue reading “Tom Doyle: Palmetto Carriage Company”