September 20, 2016: Madeleine McGee didn’t need an introduction to many Rotarians at our Harbor Club meeting on September 20. A former Historic Charleston Rotarian herself and well-know for her work in community activities, Madeleine now heads up one the of state’s most valuable non-profits—the South Carolina Association of Non-Profit Organizations (SCANPO)—that is in the business of helping the state’s many non-profit organizations operate as effectively as possible.
With hundreds of active non-profits in our area, Madeleine pointed out that Charleston’s Rotarians are some of our state’s most active non-profit volunteers, giving of their time and resources to help our fellow citizens and to improve the quality of life in our beautiful area. Serving on a non-profit board, however, can bring with it challenges as well as rewards since a poorly run non-profit can lead to board frustration, alienation and an inability for the organization to fulfill its stated mission. Continue reading “Madeleine McGee: SCANPO”