May 10, 2016 – This week the club received a very timely message on a topic of interest to us all from our very own President Elect Elect, David Burt, who was pinch-hitting for our scheduled speaker who had to cancel at the last minute. In David’s work with LS3P, he has headed the team working with The Beach Company on re-development of the Sargent Jasper site. At the outset of his talk, David pointed out that the Board of Architectural Review (“BAR”) in Charleston was founded in 1931, making it one of the oldest, if not the oldest such institution in the country. It has been instrumental in preserving the historic nature of downtown Charleston, which makes our community Mecca it is for both tourists and those new residents alike. The City of Charleston Planning and Zoning Departments regulates the use, height, footprint and the like of buildings, but the BAR is charged with ensuring that buildings are in character with neighboring structures. Continue reading “David Burt: Sargent Jasper”