February 9, 2016 – Returning to the Historic Rotary Club of Charleston, Mayor, and Past President of our club, John Tecklenburg joined us for our February 9 Meeting. John opened our meeting, as he often did when president, with his talents on the piano.
John emphasized that he was blessed to be elected Mayor and the support he has received has been uplifting. He also has a terrific staff in city government. “Why are you running for mayor” was a question often asked of him during the campaign. His reason, he indicated, was somewhat driven by his service as club president and the Rotary motto of service above self. He also was searching for how he could contribute to the community given his experience. He did quip that his joke’s have gotten funnier since he was elected and he hasn’t met a single person who didn’t vote for him! Continue reading “Mayor John Tecklenburg”