August 16, 2016: Wando High School graduate Jason Kirkland, now Lt. Col. in the US Air Force and Commander of the 99th Airlift Squadron, was our speaker. He graduated from the Air Force Academy in 1999 and then completed flight training. He flew jet fighter planes and saw service in the Iraq Freedom Campaign flying T-17A Globemaster cargo planes. In 2010 he was assigned as commander of 120 cadets at the Air Force Academy. IN 2013 he was attached to the 89th Airlift Wing at Andrews Air Force Base and was eventually promoted to Commander of the 99th Airlift Squadron.
The mission of the wing is to transport senior members of the government and military staff including the Vice President, the First Lady, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of the Military Service. Also included are senior military at the rank of four- star general.
The wing has five different types and sizes of aircraft available for service to any point in the world. Most planes are clearly marked with the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA logo, but in some cases due to the sensitivity of a mission the planes are pure white without identification. The wing includes 350 air force personnel, each selected for having an outstanding record and proficiency at the highest level of skill. Subgroups of the wing specialize in flight arrangements, maintenance of aircraft, and the actual staffing of the plane selected for the mission.
The for-front challenge of the 89th Airlift Wing is to present a positive image of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA at every point on the globe where they land. Whenever you read and hear about top officials of the USA being in another part of the world, you can rest assured that Lt. Col. Kirkland and his staff have taken them there and will bring them home.
— Fred Sales, Keyway Committee