April 19, 2016 – The term speech seems too mild a word to describe Charleston County Deputy Sheriff Michael Ackerman’s presentation to the club this week. For three minutes rapt Rotarians were transported into the danger and anxiety lived by first responders daily as Deputy Ackerman played the recording of the radio calls from the night of September 8, 2014, when he and his partner were shot while responding to an incident at the Gardens at Ashley River apartments. Ackerman’s partner died, he was shot in the leg and he faced the life-changing unwanted decision to end the perpetrator’s life. To this day Deputy Ackerman battles PTSD and his attempts to gain assistance with his struggles led to his discovery that the five thousand first responders in the Charleston area as well as those throughout South Carolina, have no coverage under worker’s compensation laws for this service-related injury. Continue reading “Michael Ackerman: First Responders and PTSD”