November 3, 2015 – It was truly a pleasure for our club to host as our speaker this week a fellow Rotarian. David A. DeCenzo is a two-time Paul Harris Fellow and is the President of Coastal Carolina University. DeCenzo, who is only the second president of CCU, started his tenure as President in 2002 and during that time has spearheaded growth in undergraduate programs at the University from 39 to 67. He is the author of over 30 textbooks which are used throughout the world. Continue reading “Dr. David DeCenzo: Coastal Carolina University”
Rod Gragg: Center for Military & Veteran Studies
May 26, 2015: Our speaker was ROD GRAGG, Director of the CresCom Bank Center for Military & Veterans Studies at Coastal Carolina University. He is a graduate of the University of South Carolina and an expert in history. He has written over 20 books on history. He recalled growing up after World War II and having tremendous admiration for the veterans of that war. We all live in a country of heroes and we all need to get to know them. Great leaders have evolved from these veterans and he spoke of the 5 traits that make leaders: Continue reading “Rod Gragg: Center for Military & Veteran Studies”