May 3, 2016 – Our keynote speaker this week was Amy Brennan, Executive Director of The Center for Women (the “Center”). Amy presented the 2015 Status of South Carolina Women Report – Charting the Course for Change (the “Report”). The Report is a tool for South Carolina to measure the equality and opportunities provided to women in this State to ensure the economic success of businesses, families, and our communities. The goal of the Report is to provide a snapshot of South Carolina’s current state of equality and then to use the Report as a starting point to make changes for the better. The Center anticipates entities and organization to use the Report, including corporations who want to achieve the highest profitability, local governments who want to attract businesses, and community members who want to see improvements in the South Carolina economy. The ultimate purpose of the Repot is to articulate the challenges that we currently face as a state that limit women’s economic success. Continue reading “Amy Brennan: The Center for Women”