March 14, 2017 Our speaker today was Brenda Workman, a leader in the Charleston SCORE Chapter. A graduate of USC and Nova University, she had a career in economic development in 4 states and over 200 communities before coming to the Charleston chapter. The mission of SCORE is to provide professional counseling and mentoring to entrepreneurs. Served by over 60 business leaders, these volunteers include retail, manufacturing, distribution, finance, human resources, insurance, transportation, legal, engineering and marketing and represent many different industries. Help is offered in three groups:
- PRE-START UPS: Focus on business ideas; explain licenses, purchasing and leasing; help find legal and CPA services; build a business plan; coach through pre-financing
- START UPS: Help is geared towards issues that arise in the critical opening period
- FIRMS IN BUSINESS ONE YEAR OR MORE: Focus on problems that relate to keeping up with the growth of the new business, with special attention to avoiding pitfalls that lead to early failure.