September 12, 2023
Due to a last minute cancellation by our guest speaker, President Cleave held on to the podium for most of the meeting and entertained us with tales from Down Under, a.k.a. the Rotary International Convention he attended in Australia this past summer
To access a recording of this meeting, go here
Passcode: 8iWX58.6
- Matt Rubin gave the Invocation and led us in the pledge.
- Jennifer Flanagin welcomed our visiting Rotarians & guests.
- Health and Happiness was presented by President Cleave.
- President Cleave announced that our scheduled speaker, Tiffany Ervin, had a death in the family and was unable to attend. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family. She will be rescheduled. We still had an informative and varied agenda for our meeting, including Club announcements and Club news, new member introductions and inductions, a Rotary Club Leadership Citation presentation to our Club, Happy Bucks, and President Cleave also took our members on a trip to Australia for the RI convention.
September 19, 2023 | Issue 5101 President: Cleave Ham
- 9/16 – Adopt-A-Highway “Trash Talk’in” @ 9am, Bee Street
- 9/19 – Coach Pat Kelsey, CofC Basketball
- 9/19 – Reading Partner Training
- 9/26 – Dr. Eric Gallien, CCSD Superintendent of Schools
- 10/3 – TBD
- 10/10 – No Meeting
Reminder … Guest RSVP Protocol
If you are planning to bring a guest to Rotary, please let Carroll know by no later than Monday at 5pm. There is some preparation that needs to be done for all guests prior to the meeting.
Special Dietary Requests
If you have a special dietary request or need, be sure to let Carroll know in advance of a meeting. She will work with the staff at Hall’s to ensure that you are prepared a special plate that meets your restrictions. Please do not enter the kitchen area to make a last minute special request.
Club Achievements
Past President and current Assistant District Governor Sandy Morckel presented our club with a 2022-2023 Rotary Citation. This citation is awarded to clubs by Rotary International to recognize them for their hard work throughout the year and for successfully achieving the various goals for the year. The goals included increasing club membership, developing sustainable service projects, giving to the Rotary Foundation, and building awareness of Rotary in your community.
Our membership team announced that our club is currently the largest club in our District with 160 members. Let’s continue to support the District’s “Each One Reach One” Membership Growth Campaign by bringing more prospective members to meetings and introducing them to Rotary!
Maui Fire Relief Efforts – How You Can Help
We are deeply saddened by the tragedy in Maui, Hawaii. As Rotarians, such tragedies are a call to action, and our Rotary Club wants to do all that we can to create hope and help the people on Maui devastated by this disaster.
Thanks to the generosity of many of our club members over the past several weeks, our Club will be sending $3235 to District 5000 in Hawaii for disaster relief. This District represents the more than 50 clubs on 5 Hawaiian Islands. Our club is no longer collecting donations through the RCCF, but members can still donate directly to the District 5000 Foundation by going to their website and making a donation.
Adopt-A-Highway “Trash Talkin” Service Project: A Success
Thank you to Karla Combs and Amy Chico for coordinating our quarterly Adopt-A-Highway trash pick-up over the weekend. We appreciate all the volunteers who came out on Saturday to help as our club did its part to keep downtown and Bee Street beautiful!
Reading Partner Training: This Tuesday
On Tuesday, Sept. 19th, at 10:45 am, prior to our Tuesday luncheon meeting, our Rotary Readers literacy partner, “Reading Partners”, is having a training session for Rotarians interested in being a part of this wonderful program to improve young students’ reading skills at local schools. [how to sign up to attend on Sept 19th] [who to contact on our club for more information] [if you missed the presentation by Christine Messick of Reading Partners at our club meeting on Aug. 22, you can watch the recording of the meeting by using the link
Passcode: 2vAH7+83
US Air Force Celebrates 76 Years
At our meeting this past Tuesday, Ed Sutton recognized the 76th Birthday of the United States Air Force! On this special occasion, we celebrated the incredible legacy and unwavering dedication of the USAF to our nation’s security and defense. Established on September 18, 1947, the United States Air Force emerged as an independent branch of the military, born from the Army Air Forces of World War II. Since its inception, the USAF has played a pivotal role in shaping the defense landscape, demonstrating unparalleled excellence in air and space operations.
The history of the United States Air Force is a testament to innovation, courage, and adaptability. From the early days of aviation to the cutting-edge technologies of today, the USAF has consistently pushed the boundaries of what is possible. Its contributions to the Department of Defense are immeasurable, with a mission encompassing everything from global strike capabilities to rapid mobility and superior intelligence gathering. The Air Force ensures our nation’s readiness to respond to threats and challenges in an ever-evolving world, making it a cornerstone of our national security.
As we commemorate this milestone, let us express our heartfelt gratitude to the men and women of the United States Air Force, both past and present, for their selfless service and commitment to protecting our freedoms. Happy 76th Birthday, USAF, and here’s to many more years of excellence in the skies and beyond!
Run with Bernie – Fight to End Polio
Run with Bernie is done in an effort to raise awareness and funds for our fight to end Polio. The event runs from July 1st to October 24th (World Polio Day), getting involved is easy! You can either:
- Be an Active Participant: you will keep track of your mileage (Runs, Walks, Swims, Bikes, Rowing, Shopping, etc.)
- Be a Supporter: as a supporter you will help through money pledges or direct contributions
Anyone can join our team: club members, family, friends, etc. If you have any interest in either being a participant or a supporter, please reach out to Alex Bourland, our club captain for the Run with Bernie campaign, at [email protected] or 843-860-7141. We appreciate your support of this important event.
Get Involved on a Committee!
At our Rotary Club Assembly meeting on Tuesday, July 11, our Club committee chairs gave excellent presentations about their committees and their plans for this Rotary year. Their enthusiasm and leadership for their committees was apparent to all! We are grateful to them, as well as to all of their subcommittee chairs and committee members who help accomplish their committees’ goals on behalf of our Rotary Club.
For members in attendance at Hall’s 5 Faber on July 11, sign-up sheets were on the table to indicate committees in which they are interested in participating, which I then sent to the committee chairs.
Other members can also sign up to explore and potentially help with Club committees as well, as follows:
“I attended the Club Assembly on Zoom, not in person. How can I sign up to help with a Club committee(s) that interests me?”
- Click on this link to a “Google form”, and follow the prompts to input your name, contact info (email and cell phone), and check-off committees of interest. Committee Chairs are indicated for each committee.
- When completed, click “submit”.
- This information will be shared with the Club’s committee chairs
“I could not attend the Club Assembly last Tuesday. How can I access the information which was presented about the Club committees and sign up to help with a Club committee(s) that interests me?”
- To watch the recording of Tuesday, July 11 meeting and the committee chair presentations, please use this link (the Club Assembly portion of the meeting begins at about the 12:20 mark): 2pb8KYP#
If you attended the Club Assembly on Zoom, or watch the meeting recording, please let Carroll know and she will give you “attendance credit”.
We look forward to your participation and engagement!
Outbound Youth Exchange Students Needed for 2024-2025
The District needs your help in finding potential Outbound Rotary Youth Exchange Students for the 2024-2025 exchange year. They ask that you share information with local school guidance and foreign languages teachers, church youth groups, friends, neighbors, etc.
The District will start accepting preliminary applications now from the students via the Rotary Sponsor Club only. In order to make it much easier on the Clubs in terms of finding host families, the following rules are in effect immediately.
The rules going forward for Outbounds and Clubs:
- Outbound Preliminary application must be submitted by the Sponsor Club.
- Outbound must secure three Host Families for the Inbound student and have at least 2 before the District Interviews in January.
- Parents of Outbound must Host an Inbound (unless this would create a hardship, we will decide as a committee)
- Sponsor Club of Outbound must accept an Inbound student.
July-Dec 2022 Dues Are Past Due – Credit Card/Bank Transfers Accepted On-Line
July-December 2023 dues invoices have been distributed and are now more than 60 days past due. Past due notices were sent out before Labor Day and payment is due promptly. As a reminder, we are able to accept credit card and bank transfer payments on-line. Members just simply have to click on the “pay now” button on their invoice and make payment. We hope this feature makes those of you paying by credit card or bank transfer easier. We also continue to also accept payments by check.
Support The CART Fund
It is easy for club members to make individual contributions and support The CART Fund electronically. The CART Fund has new portal, which you can easily access. As a Rotarian and a DACdb user, you automatically have an account already set-up in your name. Your user name and password are the same as it is for the DACdb.
Our Club is on Social Media
Members are encouraged to follow all of our social media channels and share posts with their followers too! We also need members to send us picture of anything they do that relates to Rotary – service projects, meetings, events, etc. We would love to keep our accounts full of smiling Rotarians! Photos can be send to Mike Sottak, [email protected], or Rob Byko, [email protected]
Member News
Welcome to our newest Rotarians – Dallas Wilson and Chito Walker! Dallas was introduced and sponsored by Past President Rob Dewey and will hold the classification of Non-Profit/Executive. Past President Digit Matheny introduced and sponsored Chito Walker, who joins under the classification of Law Enforcement. We were excited to have both Dallas and Chito join our Rotary family!
Congratulations to two long-time, dedicated Rotarians – Ricky Bailey and Past President Alex Dallis! Both of these Rotarians have had perfect attendance since joining the club! Ricky was recognized for 43 years of perfect attendance and Alex was recognized for 18 years. Wow! These Rotarians certainly set a wonderful example for all of us to follow!
And, congratulations to McCain Kerr, who was recently named as one of Charleston Business Magazine’s 2023 “Best & Brightest 35 & Under”!
Proposed New Members
The following membership candidates have submitted an application and signed letter of agreement to the Historic Rotary Club of Charleston:
DJ Hampton – sponsor: Hugh Lane; Classification: Eleemosynary/Executive
Channing Proctor – sponsor: Sandy Morckel; Classification: Non-Profit Executive
Leslie McDowell – sponsor: Sandy Morckel; Classification: Hospitality/Software Sales
In the event you know DJ, Channing or Leslie, please tell a member of the Board how they will serve the ideals of Rotary.
Rotarian: Reeves Connelly
- JOINED: March 12 2023
- SPONSOR: Michael Smith
- CLASSIFICATION: Engineer/Civil
- PROFESSION: Roadway Design Analyst
- CURRENT PROFESSION P.E. with Kimley-Horn Associates
- Community Service Organizations, Current Activities or Activities/Volunteer Work in the Past: Boy Scouts of America
- Something Unique About Yourself: I grew up going to all of the South Carolina Gamecock football home games, and have only missed two home games since I was born. The games I missed were the 2001 Alabama game and the 2020 Auburn game. Both were wins for the Gamecocks.
- Sept. 19 – Lewis Edge
- Sept. 22 – David Burt
- Sept. 23 – Jennifer Flanagin
- Sept. 24 – John Tecklenburg
- Sept. 25 – Jordan Behringer
Get a Flu Shot
Flu season is here. Before the end of October, opt to get your full shot to keep influenza away. Aside from keeping the flu away, new research shows a flu shot may also lower stroke risk by as much as 12 percent. This is especially helpful for those with high cholesterol and blood pressure. Experts agree you can get the flu shot and Covid shot at the same time.
Summerville – Oakbrook: 7:30 a.m., Monday, Westcott County Club, 5000 Wescott Club Drive, North Charleston
North Charleston: 12:30 p.m., Monday, Hilton Garden Inn, 5265 International Blvd, North Charleston, SC
Summerville Evening: 5:30 p.m., Monday, Montreux Bar and Grill, 127 W. Richardson Ave., Summerville
Charleston: 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Hall’s Signature Events, 5 Faber, Charleston
Goose Creek: 12:45 m. Tuesday, Gilligan’s, 219 St. James Ave., Goose Creek
Cainhoy: 6PM, on the first and third Tuesday of the month, King’s Cross Church, of Clement Ferry Road
Daniel Island: 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, Daniel Island Club, 600 Island Park Dr., Daniel Island
Mount Pleasant: 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Hibben Methodist Church, 690 Coleman Blvd., Mount Pleasant
Summerville: 1pm-2pm on 1st & 3rd Wednesday. Hilton Garden Inn-Homewood Suite/Lowcountry Conference Center, 406 Sigma Drive
North Charleston Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Marriott Hotel, 4770 Goer Drive, North Charleston.
Moncks Corner: 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Gilligan’s Restaurant, Moncks Corner
St. Andrews (West Ashley): 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Bessinger’s BBQ, 1602 Savannah Highway, Charleston.
Charleston Breakfast: 7:30AM Hall’s Signature Events, 5 Faber, Charleston
Our Rotary club actively uses social media — and we encourage you to interact with us through social media.
We’re on Facebook. Take a look at our page and be sure to “like us”.
We’re on Twitter. You can follow us @chasrotaryclub.
We’re on Instagram. You can follow us @ChasRotaryClub.
The Keyway has been published weekly as a newsletter for the Rotary Club of Charleston for more than 90 years.
President: Cleave Ham
Executive secretary: Carroll Schweers, [email protected]
Mailing address: Rotary Club of Charleston, P.O. Box 21029, Charleston, SC 29413-1029
Copyright 2018, Rotary Club of Charleston. All rights reserved