September 13, 2022
We were back in a live meeting after a two-week hiatus We welcomed Solicitor Scarlett Wilson, the first woman to hold the office of Solicitor for the Ninth Judicial Circuit, and having won many re-elections, Lots of events to know about in the coming weeks so check the articles below and/or the Events page on this site
Solicitor Scarlett Wilson representing the 9th Judicial Circuit presented to our club on September 13. She is responsible for oversight of all criminal cases in Charleston County and is the first women in Charleston or Berkeley Counties to hold that position. The focus of her remarks included the backlog of cases in the courts and the challenges of the bonds process.
She opened with an overview of the topics her office is tasked with including, plea bargaining, crime rate, sentence reform, race equity, backlogs from COVID-19 and bond violators. Digging deeper she explained that her office prosecutes cases in general session and family courts and then discussed what it takes to make an arrest.
Probable cause when referring to an arrest means that you’re 51% sure something happened. But proof beyond a reasonable doubt – the kind of doubt that would cause jurors to be firmly convinced is what it takes to convict.
Getting a conviction requires in some cases testimony that more and more citizens are not willing to provide for fear of their own safety. This is particularly true in cases of gang violence, neighborhood or domestic violence. She also shared the statistics that unfortunately reveal murders are on the rise.
There are far more warrants each year that prosecutors or the courts can mathematically address, so the solicitor’s office is faced with identifying the most dangerous cases and bringing them to justice.
Gun violence is a considerable challenge in Charleston and across the state. Solicitor Wilson quoted Richland County Solicitor Byron Gipson who said, “We can’t arrest away this problem, I’ll tell you, you can’t prosecute away this problem.”
Unlawful carrying of weapons is on the rise as well, which lead to the discussion of bonds. All defendants are entitled to bail with the exception of capital offenses or violent offenses, which are defined by the legislature. As an example, Solicitor Wilson pointed out that some domestic violence acts are not considered violent, which left many in the audience baffled. She also noted bondsmen can collect $50 on a $5 Million dollar bond if they choose and pointed to a case where a person had 16 bonds before they murdered a pizza delivery man.
Her Four Point Plan to stop the wave of repeat offenders includes:
- Increase options for low level and first- time offenders
- Expand the use of PR bonds for low level and first-time non-violent offenders
- Enforce bond conditions
- Begin legislative process for law enforcement and solicitors proposed legislation
She concluded with a call to action to step up and serve on a jury when called, to ensure a fair trial for all concerned.
To hear a recording of this week’s meeting, click here
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- Stephanie Dasher gave the Invocation and led us in the pledge.
- Robbie Wachman introduced our visiting Rotarians & guests.
- Health and Happiness was presented by President Virginia.
- Charlie Patrick introduced our guest speaker, Solicitor Scarlett Wilson.
9/20/2022 | Issue 5063 President: Virginia Lawrence
- 9/20 – Dave Sansome, Carolina One
- 9/20 – New Member Orientation Session (11AM. 5 Faber)
- 9/27 – Margaret Seidler. Illuminating Charleston’s Past
- 10/4 – Marcus Amaker
- 10/11 – District Governor Bob Gross / 11am Board Mtg.
- 10/15 – Adopt-A-Highway, Bee Street, 9am-10am
- 10/18 – Social Aboard the Palmetto Breeze
- 10/25 – Lisa Matheny, Army Corps of Engineers
- 11/1 – Herman Dixon, Shelter Box
Reminder… Guest RSVP Protocol
If you are planning to bring a guest to Rotary, please let Carroll know by no later than Monday at 5pm. There is some preparation that needs to be done for all guests prior to the meeting.
New Member Orientation this Tuesday
A New Member Orientation/Information Session is being held this Tuesday, September 20 from 11:00am-12:00pm upstairs at Halls Signature Events.
If you are a new member and have not attended a New Member Orientation, you are encouraged to attend. This is a great way to learn more about our Rotary Club and how you can get involved with the different committees. It is also one of the Red to Blue Badge requirements.
If you have any questions or want to attend, please reach out to Michael Smith at [email protected].
Trash Talkin’ Time!!
The Community Service Project for October is Bee Street Clean Up on Saturday, October 15 from 9-10am. Meet up is at 140 Bee St, fellowship brunch for those interested afterward! Click link below to register:
October Social – Aboard the Palmetto Breeze
Join us for a sunset cruise aboard the Palmetto Breeze on Tuesday, October 18 from 4:30-6:30pm. Enjoy appetizers, cash bar and live music by best saxophonist in Charleston, Louie D.
Tickets are $25 – Rotarians & guests welcome! Tickets are limited, so be sure to purchase soon. An email was sent to all members last week.
The cruise will leave from Shem Creek (behind Tavern and Table – 100 Church Street, Mt. Pleasant.
July-Dec 2022 Dues Are Past Due
July-December 2022 dues payments are now considered past due. Second past due notices were emailed on 8/31. If you received an email, please be sure to take care of making payment. We have made it even easier to pay! We have upgraded our software and added a new component to our invoicing. We are now able to accept credit card and bank transfer payments on-line. Members just simply have to click on the “pay now” button on their invoice and make payment. We hope this new feature will make those of you paying by credit card or bank transfer easier. We will continue to also accept payments by check. If you have any questions about your dues, please contact Carroll.
Rotary Community Impact Summit a Big Success
Rotarians and guests from the Rotary Clubs of Charleston, Charleston Breakfast, Daniel Island and St. Andrews gathered on Thursday, September 15 for the first ever Rotary Community Impact Summit. Thank you to Darrin Goss Sr., CEO of Coastal Community Foundation and Brad Davis, Interim CEO of Trident United Way and our moderator Robie Scott for helping Rotarians envision how they can personally and collectively make more of an impact in our community! Stay tuned for more to come from the seeds planted this week!
Doors to Dream Volunteer Opportunity at Burke: DATE CHANGE!
Want to make a difference in a young person’s life in only 90 minutes? You’re invited to a high-impact volunteer opportunity at Burke High School on a soon to be announced date (likely either Oct 24 or 31) in partnership with Doors to Dream. ( Click here to sign up.)
On Tuesday, DTD Executive Director Sam Clements highlighted that increased mental health challenges many teens are experiencing due to the pandemic can have a detrimental effect. To make a difference, our club is providing funding AND volunteers!
In addition to the Rotary District grant of $5,000, our club also want to provide 24 volunteers. As caring professional community members, our presence on campus provides teens with a safe, interactive opportunity that can build confidence and engagement skills.
This link registers you and connects you to a short, free background check, which is required to work in a school setting. You can still register and when the date is finalized you will be notified
Upon arrival, the DTD team will provide written directions. (No previous training is needed.) This 90 minute volunteer opportunity during Burke High’s Bulldog Bowl, the finale of Mental Health Week, will make a difference! Thank you in advance. If you have any questions, please contact Vocational Committee member Phoenicia Miracle at [email protected].
For all you Linked In users, be sure to follow us on that popular professional social media network. Our handle is Rotary Club of Downtown Charleson and you can link directly to our page here:
Hosts Needed! Our Club’s TWO Youth Exchange Students Have Arrived and We Need Host Families
IMPORTANT!!!! We are still looking for local families to host both female exchange students for a period of 3-5 months in 2022/2023. This is a great opportunity to volunteer and change the life of a young person and expose yourself and your family to a different culture! All of the prior students have been wonderful and a delight to get to know!
Both of our exchange students will attend the same high school locally for the entire year, so it is important that the host families are in the same school area (and it is convenient to travel to and from). They will be attending the Charleston Charter School for Math & Science located at: 1002 King Street, Charleston SC 29403.
If you are interested in hosting one of these students for a couple of months, please reach out to either Karen Clark [email protected] or Richard Sidebottom [email protected].
This is a great opportunity to volunteer and change the life of a young person and expose yourself and your family to a different culture! All of the prior students have been wonderful and a delight to get to know and stay in contact with!
Our exchange students will attend the same high school locally for the entire year, so it is important that the host families are in the same school area (and it is convenient to travel to and from). Each girl will attend the Charleston Charter School for Math & Science located at: 1002 King Street, Charleston SC 29403.
Please note that a host family or couple needs to have the desire to provide the following:
- Love as a family member. The student will be a part of the family, not a guest.
- Transportation- The student will not be allowed to drive while in the US.
- A Bed-The student does not have to have his/her own room, but we do ask that they have their own bed.
- Food- We ask that you provide food for the student, including lunch while at school. Again, treating the student as you would your own.
If you are able to volunteer for this opportunity, please go to and complete the online Host Family Application as soon as possible. We need to line up our first host soon for each girl. Please note that Hosts do not need to be a part of Rotary, so it’s okay (and appreciated) if you share with other couples and families that you feel may be interested.
The application can be done on your smartphone, tablet or PC. You will also need to consent to a background check as part of this process. Please note the following:
You will need two references (emails, street addresses & phone numbers for each). Also, include photos of your home including: student bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, family room, exterior of home and a casual family photo (smaller sizes work best) in the application.
Please review the attached checklist for an overview of the process and timeline.
Once you complete the application, we can schedule a time for me to visit you and your family at your home to go over some additional information and also address any questions or concerns you may have.
Rotary Youth Exchange Dates to Remember
- June: Training- Host Families & YEO/YEC in Charleston
- August: Inbound Student Orientation Training Weekend- Charleston, SC
- December: Disney World Trip! Mandatory for all Inbounds
March: District 7770 Rotary Conference, Columbia, SC
Welcome to our newest Rotarian – Ittriss Jenkins. Ittriss was sponsored and introduced by Steve Dopp. He will hold the classification of Law/Judge. We are excited to have Ittriss join our Rotary family!
Our own Past President Rob Dewey had the honor of baptizing fellow member, Sam Skardon’s twins, Lewis Logan and Lawson Sullivan, this past Sunday. What a special day for all!
Rotary Foundation Chair, Karl Riner, was honored to recognize Heidi Finniff with a PHF+1 this past Tuesday. The Paul Harris Fellow program recognizes individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International. The honor was established in 1957 to show appreciation for contributions that support our Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant. Congratulations, Heidi!
Proposed New Member:
The following membership candidate has submitted an application and signed letter of agreement to the Historic Rotary Club of Charleston:
John Warren – sponsor: Virginia Lee; classification: Financial/Advisor
In the event you know John, please tell a member of the Board how he will serve the ideals of Rotary.
Rotarian: Adrian Cain
- JOINED: 2022
- SPONSOR: Digit Matheny, Sandy Morckel
- MEMBERSHIP INVOLVEMENT: Community Service, International Service, Education Committee
- CLASSIFICATION: Chamber of Commerce
- PROFESSION: SVP Leadership & Community Development
- CURRENT PROFESSION: Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce
- Community Service Organizations, Current Activities or Activities/Volunteer Work in the Past: President, Snee Farm Community Foundation, Aspen Development Fellow, Past President and Treasurer Low Country AFP Chapter, National Board of Directors, Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives, ACCE Fellow for Diverse Economic Growth, Past Vice Commodore and Treasurer Charleston Ocean Racing Association, Volunteer First Tee
- SOMETHING UNIQUE ABOUT YOURSELF: I grew up on a working cattle, horse and timber farm in rural West Virginia and from an early age understood the importance of hard work and determination.
- 22 – Past President David Burt
- 24 – Past President/Mayor John Tecklenburg, Dudley Katz
- 25 – Jordan Behringer
- 26 – Past President Paul Stoney, Charlton Wieters
Consume Immunity-Boosting Foods
As the weather gets colder and flu season starts, it’s important for your immune system to be in tip-top shape. Eating healthy foods with vitamin C (like limes, oranges, and clementines) are key to fighting off infections. Garlic, ginger, spinach, and almonds are also big winners when it comes to boosting your health and immunity.
Summerville – Oakbrook: 7:30 a.m., Monday, Westcott County Club, 5000 Wescott Club Drive, North Charleston
North Charleston: 12:30 p.m., Monday, Hilton Garden Inn, 5265 International Blvd, North Charleston, SC
Summerville Evening: 5:30 p.m., Monday, Montreux Bar and Grill, 127 W. Richardson Ave., Summerville
East Cooper Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Cooper River Room at Waterfront Park, Mount Pleasant
Charleston: 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Hall’s Signature Events, 5 Faber, Charleston
Goose Creek: 12:45 m. Tuesday, Gilligan’s, 219 St. James Ave., Goose Creek
Daniel Island: 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, Daniel Island Club, 600 Island Park Dr., Daniel Island
Mount Pleasant: 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Mt Pleasant Presbyterian Church. 302 Hibben St. 29464.
Summerville: 1pm-2pm on 1st & 3rd Wednesday. Hilton Garden Inn-Homewood Suite/Lowcountry Conference Center, 406 Sigma Drive
North Charleston Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Marriott Hotel, 4770 Goer Drive, North Charleston.
Moncks Corner: 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Gilligan’s Restaurant, Moncks Corner
St. Andrews (West Ashley): 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Bessinger’s BBQ, 1602 Savannah Highway, Charleston.
Charleston Breakfast: 7:30AM Hall’s Signature Events, 5 Faber, Charleston
Our Rotary club actively uses social media — and we encourage you to interact with us through social media.
We’re on Facebook. Take a look at our page and be sure to “like us”.
We’re on Twitter. You can follow us @chasrotaryclub.
We’re on Instagram. You can follow us @ChasRotaryClub.
The Keyway has been published weekly as a newsletter for the Rotary Club of Charleston for more than 90 years.
President: Rob Dewey
Keyway editor: Don Baus [email protected]
Executive secretary: Carroll Schweers, [email protected]
Mailing address: Rotary Club of Charleston, P.O. Box 21029, Charleston, SC 29413-1029
Copyright 2018, Rotary Club of Charleston. All rights reserved