June 14, 2022
Charleston Police Department Chief and fellow Rotarian Luther Reynolds took to the podium this week to introduce his team and give us an update on the Leadership Development Institute, an important initiative that Rotary helps support with funds from RCCF
The full presentation from the meeting can be found here.
A recording of the meeting can be found here.
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- Jason Eckenstein gave the Invocation and led us in the pledge.
- Debbie Barton introduced our visiting Rotarians & guests.
- President Rob presented Health and Happiness.
- Chief Luther Reynolds opened the program and introduced CPD officers, who spoke about the Leadership Institute. Our club has supported this program by donations from the RCCF.
6/21/2022 | Issue 5054 President: Rob Dewey
- 6/21 – RCCF International Grant recipients
- 6/28 – Transition Mtg/Happy Hour Social
- 7/5 – No Meeting
- July 12 – Steven Slifer, Number Nomics Economics (Board Meeting 11 AM)
- July 19 – Dan Battista, The Cooper Hotel
- July 26 – Cody Callerman, Hemp Farmer
Community Impact Award
For the last several years, the Rotary Club of Charleston has presented 4 Community Impact Awards to non-Rotarians. This past Tuesday, this Award was presented to Jackie Johnson. It is an honor to recognize these members of our Community who go well beyond their paychecks to make our Community – Even Better.
Below is the description of Ms. Johnson’s work by her supervisor, Tameka Crook:
Jacqueline “Mrs. Jackie” Johnson is a compassionate, caring, patient, supportive, and reliable clinical counselor for her patient. She consistently seeks and establishes accurate treatment and recovery expectations with her patients, including but not limited to, patients’ rights and responsibilities etc. Mrs. Jackie establishes a sound rapport with patients characterized by respect, genuineness, concreteness, and empathy, which she signifies a clinical counselor who has and will continue to place an indelible mark in the Adult Drug Court program, agency (Charleston Center), and community.
Announcement from Membership
We are delighted about the upcoming new membership year, which starts on July. It will be a tough one trying to fill the shoes of Cleave Ham. Cleave has done an excellent job this past year and we look to continue that momentum going forward.
New Membership Director Michael Smith and his team are looking for any Rotary members that would like to do small tasks for the membership committee. This will be very small tasks as we understand everyone has full time jobs. Volunteers are needed to serve on the Red to Blue Committee or Retention Committee. Additional volunteers are also needed to serve as Sponsors/Mentors for new members. Please let Michael Smith or someone from the membership committee know if you can help. Michael Smith [email protected]
Guests RSVP by 5pm on Monday
This is just a reminder …. If you are bringing a guest to any Tuesday luncheon, please let Carroll know by 5pm on that Monday afternoon.
Board Transition Social – Mark Your Calendars
A Happy Hour Social from 5-7pm is scheduled at Hall’s Signature Events on Tuesday, June 28th in lieu of our lunch meeting that day. There will be a “brief” meeting, but mostly it will be a fun time to celebrate the year, ring in the new Rotary year and catch up with our Rotary friends. We hope you will plan to bring your spouse or guest and join us! Please RSVP to Leah so we can include you in our head count. All members should have received an invitation via email early last week.
Change in Membership Status Deadline
If you plan a change in your club member status by July 1, 2022 to Excused, Leave of Absence or if you are planning to resign, please notify Carroll in writing NO LATER THAN this Tuesday, June 14, 2022. This change will affect your July statement, which will be distributed in mid to late June. All current members who officially resign after June 14 will be billed to cover Rotary International dues, which are paid the first of each billing cycle. If you have any questions, contact Carroll.
Hosts Needed! Our Club’s TWO Youth Exchange Students Arrive in August!
The Rotary Club of Charleston urgently needs local families to host the two female exchange students. One is from Taiwan and the other is from France. Ideally, each volunteer Host family or couple would have the student stay with them for a period of 3-5 months in 2022/2023.
This is a great opportunity to volunteer and change the life of a young person and expose yourself and your family to a different culture! All of the prior students have been wonderful and a delight to get to know and stay in contact with!
Our exchange students will attend the same high school locally for the entire year, so it is important that the host families are in the same school area (and it is convenient to travel to and from). Each girl will attend the Charleston Charter School for Math & Science located at: 1002 King Street, Charleston SC 29403.
Please note that a host family or couple needs to have the desire to provide the following:
- Love as a family member. The student will be a part of the familynot a guest.
- Transportation- The student will not be allowed to drive while in the US.
- A Bed-The student does not have to have his/her own room, but we do ask that they have their own bed.
- Food- We ask that you provide food for the student, including lunch while at school. Again, treating the student as you would your own.
If you are able to volunteer for this opportunity, please go to http://yehub.net/SC1-hfapp and complete the online Host Family Application as soon as possible. We need to line up our first host soon for each girl. Please note that Hosts do not need to be a part of Rotary, so its ok (and appreciated) if you share with other couples and families that you feel may be interested.
The application can be done on your smartphone, tablet or PC. You will also need to consent to a background check as part of this process. Please note the following:
You will need two references (emails, street addresses & phone numbers for each). Also, include photos of your home including: student bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, family room, exterior of home and a casual family photo (smaller sizes work best) in the application.
Please review the attached checklist for an overview of the process and timeline.
Once you complete the application, we can schedule a time for me to visit you and your family at your home to go over some additional information and also address any questions or concerns you may have.
Rotary Youth Exchange Dates to Remember
- June: Training- Host Families & YEO/YEC in Charleston
- August : Inbound Student Orientation Training Weekend- Charleston, SC
- December: Disney World Trip! Mandatory for all Inbounds
March: District 7770 Rotary Conference, Columbia, SC
Blue Bucket Collections
Remember to bring your Happy Bucks as we will continue to have Blue Buckets on the table in May and June. The donations will support our own RCCF.
Support The CART Fund
It is easy for club members to make individual contributions and support The CART Fund electronically. The CART Fund has a new portal www.mycartfund.org, which you can easily access. As a Rotarian and a DACdb user, you automatically have an account already set-up in your name. Your user name and password are the same as it is for the DACdb.
Welcome to our newest members, Jordan Behringer and Richard Kelly! Jordan was introduced and sponsored by Joseph Tecklenburg. He will hold the classification of Civil Engineer/Construction. Richard, who was introduced and sponsored by Amy Riley, joins us under the classification of Banking/Commercial. We are excited to have both Jordan and Richard join our Rotary family!
Proposed New Members
The following membership candidates have submitted an application and signed letter of agreement to the Historic Rotary Club of Charleston:
- Vince Burruano – sponsor: Chip Wyatt; classification: Consultant/Sales & Business
- Ed Sutton – sponsor: Sandy Morckel; classification: Real Estate/Commercial
- Ashley Rawlings – sponsor: Digit Matheny; classification: Mortgage
- Jessica Celia – sponsor: Jan Luth; classification: Loan/Mgmt
- Sarah Dolan – sponsor: Baxter Hahn; classification: Dance
- Hamer Darby – sponsor: David Burt; classification: Construction/Bus. Development
In the event you know Vince, Ed, Ashley, Jessica, Sarah or Hamer, please tell a member of the Board how he will serve the ideals of Rotary.
Rotarian: Cody Callarman
- 6/22 – Past President Jimmy Stuckey
- 6/27 – Rudy Thomas
Reduce TV Time
Many healthy habits are easier accomplished with a couple extra hours in your day… which can be found by reducing TV time. The average American watches over two hours of TV each day—which is plenty of time to incorporate an exercise routine, self-care routine, and other healthy habits into your daily life.
Summerville – Oakbrook: 7:30 a.m., Monday, Westcott County Club, 5000 Wescott Club Drive, North Charleston
North Charleston: 12:30 p.m., Monday, Hilton Garden Inn, 5265 International Blvd, North Charleston, SC
Summerville Evening: 5:30 p.m., Monday, Montreux Bar and Grill, 127 W. Richardson Ave., Summerville
East Cooper Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Cooper River Room at Waterfront Park, Mount Pleasant
Charleston: 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Hall’s Signature Events, 5 Faber, Charleston
Goose Creek: 12:45 m. Tuesday, Gilligan’s, 219 St. James Ave., Goose Creek
Daniel Island: 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, Daniel Island Club, 600 Island Park Dr., Daniel Island
Mount Pleasant: 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Mt Pleasant Presbyterian Church. 302 Hibben St. 29464.
Summerville: 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sticky Fingers, Summerville
North Charleston Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Marriott Hotel, 4770 Goer Drive, North Charleston.
Moncks Corner: 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Gilligan’s Restaurant, Moncks Corner
St. Andrews (West Ashley): 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Bessinger’s BBQ, 1602 Savannah Highway, Charleston.
Charleston Breakfast: 7:30AM Hall’s Signature Events, 5 Faber, Charleston
Our Rotary club actively uses social media — and we encourage you to interact with us through social media.
We’re on Facebook. Take a look at our page and be sure to “like us”.
We’re on Twitter. You can follow us @chasrotaryclub.
We’re on Instagram. You can follow us @ChasRotaryClub.
The Keyway has been published weekly as a newsletter for the Rotary Club of Charleston for more than 90 years.
President: Rob Dewey
Keyway editor: Don Baus [email protected]
Executive secretary: Carroll Schweers, [email protected]
Mailing address: Rotary Club of Charleston, P.O. Box 21029, Charleston, SC 29413-1029
Copyright 2018, Rotary Club of Charleston. All rights reserved