4/7: Coronavirus Projects, New grant recipients & Updated Information for Rotarians

April 7, 2020:

In light of the now statewide Stay at Home order extended through April 30, the Board made the decision to cancel all in-person meetings for the remainder of April, with the possibility of resuming our Rotary Meetings on May 5th, either in person or by Zoom call, depending on the Ordinance status at that time. Our board will meeting again on April 21 to reassess the situation at that time, and make decisions for moving forward. 


April 7, 2020 | Issue 4960 | President: Sandy Morckel

    • April 14 – No Meeting
    • April 18 – Beach Sweep Cancelled
    • April 21 – Board Meeting only (Zoom)
    • April 28 – No Meeting
    • May 5 – Meeting TBD (by Zoom or at Faber)

Rotary Club of Charleston History Moment

At each meeting, President Sandy plans to share some of the snippets of our club’s amazing 100 year history and our impact on Charleston and around the world. It will be a fun trip down memory lane and will also be shared in the Keyway.

The Club in 1990 celebrated its 70th anniversary with 200 attending a black-tie event at Hibernian Hall. For the first time in history Club membership dropped from 278 to 227. We dedicated the new fountain at Wraggsborough Square and started raising funds for a Rotary fountain at Marion Square. Our Club was featured on the NBC “Today’s” show for helping with the six stranded crew members of the Yugoslavian freighter in Charleston harbor. We built a Habitat House on Cooper Street for $27,000 and a lot of Rotarian manpower sweat. One speaker was USC Historian George Rogers, whose talk reminded us that he was the first Club’s Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar in 1949.

Ways to Help the Community

If you are healthy, have time, and would like to support the community efforts based on the COVID 19 pandemic, we offer two options through our Rotary Club: 



“Adopt a Senior” through our long-time partner Charleston Area Seniors. For those wishing to participate, you will be paired with a senior who is currently alone and not able to access the Senior Center because of the closures during 

President Sandy and her Adopt A Senior partner Mrs Ulmer

the Stay at Home ordinance. Checking on them by phone daily helps to provide a life-line for these seniors, especially during these trying times, and Rotarians are able to fill any needs that they may have (picking up prescriptions, helping with household projects, etc.). About four
Rotarians are currently participating. We could use a few more if you are interested. Please email Donna Cook (
[email protected]) if you would like to participate. And let Carroll know so she can make sure you get make up credit for volunteering!

One of our Adopt a Seniors” Mrs. Sara Ulmer is a very happy camper today with the installation of a new hot water heater and toilet! The project happened with the help of Operation Home, thanks to their Executive Director Miriam Langley, and new Rotarian Leah Donaldson. Thanks, too, to Charleston Area Senior Services, and Robert Hunt with RL Hunt Plumbing! It truly takes a village when we are here for each other.


​​​​​​​3D Mask Project Assembly:

A community consortium led by The Citadel has been working on creating a 3D mask system that was designed by Dr. Michael Yost from MUSC and awaiting FDA approval. What a team!!  This past week, a total of 38 3D masks assembled by volunteers from the our club and The Citadel and delivered to MUSC Health.Thank you to our Rotarians and community volunteers who stepped up to help: Thomas Berry, Skip Fink and his wife Sam, Sandy Morckel and her husband Craig Gangloff and brother Frank Sonntag, Toni Sottak and her daughter Lindsey and friend of Rotary Charlotte Reeves. We all found that we have special craft talents! And we especially appreciated the donated lunches provided by Thomas Berry from The Shelter Kitchen + Bar! Special thanks you to Dr. Sarah Imam, Dan Hawkins, James Bezjian and the team from The Citadel – you guys ROCK! We will continue every Friday until all the S.A.F.E. Mask Systems are assembled and delivered to our healthcare workers! To donate money or to utilize your own 3D printer for this cause, go to https://maskimpact.com/

The Citadel would like to have volunteers to continue the 3D mask making this coming Wednesday April 15  (2 shifts – 9am – Noon and 1pm – 4pm) and also on Friday, April 17 (9am – Noon) at the Daniel Library on the Citadel campus. Please Sandy let know if they are able to volunteer and for what shift. We can take up to 8. She can be reached by text or call at 614-306-8856 or by email at [email protected]. We may continue this weekly until all the masks are assembled.

 Volunteers help with the assembly process (glueing filters, attaching elastic bands, sorting the 3 sizes and preparing for delivery to the various healthcare systems in Charleston). All of this will be done in a sterile environment using social distancing standards with rubber gloves and masks.

Also, if you are out there and helping in our community during this crisis, please take a photo of you volunteering and email it to Mike Sottak ([email protected]).  We would love to highlight the good works being done by our members.


Rotary Grant recipients named

The RCCF committee presented four grant proposals, totalling $6,000. The grants touched on 4 initiatives, which are important to Rotary – Environment, Women’s Health, Clean Drinking Water, & Education/Youth. They were approved by the board:

  • Chas. Habitat for Humanity – $1500 (Environmental – beautification of a habitat neighborhood & installation of a garden)
  • SC Ovarian Cancer Foundation – $1500 (Women’s Health – 30 Bags of Hope to women diagnosed with ovarian cancer.)
  • Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach – $1500 (Clean Drinking Water – repair a water foundation that services over 6,000 people at Outreach Center)
  • Hands of Christ/Second Presbyterian – $1500 (Education/Youth – provide approx.. 42 children with school supplies & clothing)

The International Project Committee met via Skype and the committee recommended 3 for funding, which the board has approved. They are:

  • Rotary Australia – $1000. For a repair project related to the fire there (Sponsor: Kay Minson)
  • 410 Bridge – $1000: for a women’s entrepreneurial and empowerment program (Sponsor: Jack Mitchell)
  • The School of Choice/L’Ecole de Choix – $3000: for a nursing/educational aid for a local school (sponsor: Mike Sottak)

Rotary Board Meeting

Our club’s Board will meet via conference call on Tuesday, April 21 at 1pm to discuss the upcoming meeting schedule and other Rotary business.

Rotary Exchange Student

Please keep our Rotary Exchange Inbound Student (Tobias – from Switzerland) and Rotary Exchange Outbound Student (Eleanor Pope – in Sweden) in your prayers as they deal with being apart from families during these uncertain times. Both are staying put with their host families. Any support you can give Tobias to help their host family Mike & Toni Sottak would be appreciated.

January Dues Past Due

January –June Rotary dues are now PAST DUE. One of the responsibilities of all members is paying the semi-annual dues.  We are not able to hold meetings, etc. when dues are not being paid on time. Past due notices were distributed via email this week to all members still owing January dues. If you received a notice, please make payment as soon as possible or if you have questions or concerns, please reach out to Carroll. 

50/50 Raffle 

The 50/50 Raffle continues at our next weekly meeting.  Members will have a 1 in 8 chance to win. The pot will start at $224. Bring your cash and let’s grow the pot. You do need to be present to win. Tickets are available at meetings – 1 for $5 or 3 for $10. 

Our Club is on Social Media

Members are encourage to follow all of our social media channels and share posts with their followers too!  We also need members to send us picture of anything they do that relates to Rotary – service projects, meetings, events, etc.  We would love to keep our accounts full of smiling Rotarians! Photos can be send to Mike Sottak, [email protected], or Rob Byko, [email protected].


Member News

Best wishes for all of us to stay safe and continue to stay connected as we help those who are most vulnerable in our community.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to fellow Rotarians if we can help you in any way in the days and weeks to come!

Proposed New Members

The following membership candidates have submitted an application and signed letter of agreement to the Historic Rotary Club of Charleston:

Karla Coombs – sponsor:  Heidi Finniff; classification: 

 Megan Fink – sponsor:  Skip Fink; classification:  Non-Profit Marketing 

Leslie “Les” Perkins – sponsor:  Digit Matheny; classification: Engineering/IT

In the event you know Karla, please tell a member of the Board how she will serve the ideas of Rotary.


 Sue Summer-Kresse

  • JOINED: March 1987 
  • SPONSOR: Jerry NussSue A. Sommer-Kresse
  • MEMBERSHIP INVOLVEMENT:  International Scholars Committee, Education Committee, International Internship Founder and Committee Chair, Rotary Foundation Committee & Chair, District 7770 Conference Co-Chair, District 7770 Rotary International Scholars Chair, Club Director, Past President
  • CLASSIFICATION: Higher Education Administration
  • PROFESSION: Higher Education Administrator and Faculty Member, Univ. of Minnesota, Univ. of Wisconsin and College of Charleston
  • SOMETHING UNIQUE ABOUT YOURSELF: I worked for the Department of Defense for 20 years as a consultant and reviewer for the Education Centers on military bases throughout the world.  I chaired educational teams for Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine and Coast Guard bases in Korea, Japan, Germany Spain, England and bases across the US. These experiences demonstrated the commitment of all military services to providing high education opportunities to service members wherever they serve.


    • 4/2 – Campbell Cox
    • 4/2 – Rhett Dunaway
    • 4/7 – Alex Dallis

By the numbers

    • Attendance on  March 31, 2020:  no meeting
    • Not in attendance: No meeting
    • Out of Town Make-ups: None

Clean your hands often

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.



  • Summerville – Oakbrook: 7:30 a.m., Monday, Westcott County Club, 5000 Wescott Club Drive, North Charleston
  • North Charleston: 12:30 a.m., Monday, Hilton Garden Inn, 5265 International Blvd, North Charleston.
  • Summerville Evening: 5:30 p.m., Monday, Montreux Bar and Grill, 127 W. Richardson Ave., Summerville


  • East Cooper Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Cooper River Room at Waterfront Park, Mount Pleasant
  • Charleston: 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Hall’s Signature Events, 5 Faber, Charleston
  • Goose Creek: 12:45  m. Tuesday, Gilligan’s, 219 St. James Ave., Goose Creek


  • Daniel Island: 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, Daniel Island Club, 600 Island Park Dr., Daniel Island
  • St. John’s Parish (John’s Island): 7:45 a.m. Wednesday, 2817 Maybank Highway, Unit 1, John’s Island
  • Mount Pleasant: 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Harbor Breeze Restaurant, 176 Patriots Point Road, Mount Pleasant
  • Summerville: 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sticky Fingers, Summerville


  • North Charleston Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Embassy Suites, 5055 International Blvd., North Charleston
  • Moncks Corner: 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Gilligan’s Restaurant, Moncks Corner
  • St. Andrews (West Ashley): 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Bessinger’s BBQ, 1602 Savannah Highway, Charleston.



Our Rotary club actively uses social media — and we encourage you to interact with us through social media.

  • We’re on FacebookTake a look at our page and be sure to “like us”.
  • We’re on Twitter.  You can follow us @chasrotaryclub.
  • We’re on Instagram.  You can follow us @ChasRotaryClub.

The Keyway has been published weekly as a newsletter for the Rotary Club of Charleston for more than 90 years.

  • President: Sandy Morckel
  • Keyway editor: Don Baus [email protected]
  • Executive secretary: Carroll Schweers, [email protected]
  • Mailing address: Rotary Club of Charleston, P.O. Box 21029 ,Charleston, SC 29413-1029
  • Copyright 2018, Rotary Club of Charleston. All rights reserved