11/27: Stuart Williams: Impact Entrepreneuralism

November 27, 2018:  Stuart Williams was our inspiring speaker at today’s Rotary meeting on Impact Economics.

In 1993 Stuart Williams co-designed the thesis of “Making A Profit While Making A Difference” which to many was one of the true catalysts behind the growth in Impact Entrepreneurship.

After enjoying a successful career as a business builder, owner and executive ($800m in realized value for the companies he started, ran and or worked with as an executive) Stuart has spent the past 8 years purposed to help any private or public ecosystem embrace the business, investment, humanitarian and environmental thesis of “Making A Profit While Making A Difference”.

Stuart Williams

Stuart is one of the world’s leading experts on how to generate the highest and most sustainable corporate profits and investment returns by creating innovations that are solutions for specific segments of humanity and the environment. He is a trusted advisor to recognizable US Families, and the impact initiatives they develop and manage.  Stuart has presented his work to The Elders and at The United Nations.

Stuart has been implementing his Impact Economics project in Charleston for the past 4 years, with a main partner as the College of Charleston .

He noted this project starts with an awareness of Injustice:  Global Economic, Social, Racial and Environmental Problems with seemingly no solutions.  Stuart shared that tens of thousands of brilliant and passionate people and trillions of dollars in capital have made no progress in 60 years to addressing poverty. After two years of global research through focus g, they identified that attempts to solve the problem were failing because they were addressing the Effect of Poverty, and not the Causes.

They therefore started the Impact Economics project, to focus on fixing the cause, which needs to be a Win/Win, Be Inclusive, Top-Down, Middle-Out, Bottom-Up Economy Based Upon Making A Profit While Making A Difference, Placing Justice at The Center.

Their elements include

  • A course at the College of Charleston, in which teams develop a for-profit concept, and the winner presents this at the United Nations.
  • A community course to promote impact entrepreneurship (@ 200 have attended to date)
  • Impact Entrepreneur – providing support for these project
  • Impact Investors – encouraging and linking investors to projects
  • Corporations – Evaluate for core competencies, and offer consulting to those that don’t obtain 80% competence
  • Government – Encourage to support competent corporations through tax breaks, payroll incentives
  • Not for Profits – Partner with them to support impact economics

To contact Stuart, email him at [email protected] or www.inplaceimpact.com

Lisa Van Bergen, Keyway Committee

  • Kelsey Willey gave the Invocation and led us in the pledge.
  • Trey Lucy introduced our Visiting Rotarians and guests.
  • President Alex Dallis presented Health and Happiness.
  • President-Elect Sandy Morckel, introduced our keynote speaker, Stuart Williams of the College of Charleston, who spoke about Impact Entrepreneurialism.

December 4, 2018 | Issue 4912 | President: Alex Dallis

  • Dec. 4 – Senator Sandy Senn, I-526 project / Board Elections
  • Dec. 8 – Holiday Parade of Boats!!
  • Dec.  11 – Holiday Luncheon / Holiday Wrapping for Seniors
  • Dec. 12 – Holiday Party for Seniors
  • Dec. 14 – Salvation Army Bell Ringing
  • Dec. 18 & 25 – No Meeting — Happy Holidays!

Holiday Parade of Boats Sponsors

Thanks to all our 2018 sponsors of the upcoming Boat Parade Viewing Party. Remember, it’s our biggest fund raiser of the year and we depend on the generosity of local businesses like these to help meet our goals. If you own or work at a local business, please consider becoming a sponsor and enjoy all the great publicity and community relations benefits you’ll get.  Contact Heidi Finniff at [email protected] for more information on how you can be a sponsor of this year’s event.

We appreciate this year’s sponsors!

Silver Sponsors
Charleston Riverdogs
CresCom Bank
Daniel Ravenel Sotheby’s International Realty
Francis Marion Hotel

VIP – Friends of Rotary
Charleston Southern University
Digit Matheny/Carolina One
McGuire & Company
Kay Minson/Carolina One
Professional Non-Profit Solutions
John Cowan & Marie-Anne Erki
Bill Raver
First Citizens Bank
Patterson Smith Company
Soil Consultants
USB/Karl Riner

Last Chance …. Boat Parade Boat Raffle Tickets

 Let’s sell some tickets!!  Boat Raffle tickets have been distributed. All members are encouraged to sell a couple of tickets.  If you haven’t picked up your tickets, please be sure to see Doug Holmes at the next meeting. Our website to purchase boat raffle tickets, as well as event tickets as gone live!  Please pass the below link to family, friends, co-workers, business associates.  


Seeking Boat Parade Volunteers

 Rotarians are needed to help us out Saturday December 8 for our annual fundraiser! If you can find the time to give us one hour or two of your morning or evening I assure you it would be much appreciated!

Most shifts are only one hour and the more volunteers we have the lighter the burden on all of us. Speaking from experience – at this party, one hour FLIES by at a volunteer post!! Fun jobs like taking money for drink tickets, selling raffle tickets, and putting up or taking down decorations are all open. Join Patterson and Debbie as Elves for an hour perhaps ??  You can even go on a power trip and be a VIP BOUNCER for a night!! We need to have all these shifts filled to make the party a success. Note : we also have a bonus Volunteer opportunity to be in the King Street Parade riding our boat and handing out flyers and candy – this is a super fun family activity and only lasts a few hours the afternoon of Sunday December 2nd. Last year we had several “babies of Rotary” represented – it was great!

A breakdown of all the duties of each volunteer spot (minor details subject to change) and a BLANK sign up sheet has been emailed to all members so that you can see the time slots. Please consider signing up for one or more spots to help the cause! Lets all band together and do our part to make it a smooth event and a fun time for everyone!!!

Please feel free to contact Ruthie Ravenel at [email protected] if you have questions about job duties and available spots. She will be at upcoming Rotary meetings with the master list ready to sign you all up for your preferred time slots- first come first served! Thank you in advance for your service above self!!

Rotary Foundation Giving

The District March is Back …. Effective November 10 through December 31, 2018, Rotarians will receive 1 recognition point for every dollar when a contribution of at least $100 up to $500 is made.  This is a limited time offer.  The points are available and will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.  When the points are gone — they are GONE! Please contact our Rotary Foundation Chair, Karl Riner at [email protected] to take advantage of the program.

RCCF Presents Grant Checks to Charleston Area Senior Citizens’ Services and Lowcountry Youth Tennis Association

The RCCF Committee was out in the community again this week visiting grant recipients and presenting RCCF grant checks.  RCCF Chair Paul Stoney, Past President Alissa Lietzow, Robert Sullivan, Charlie Palmer, Virginia Lee, Margaret Ann Youngs and Carroll Schweers represented our club and the RCCF Committee this past Wednesday on a visit to Charleston Area Senior Citizens’ Services. The club’s donation will be used to purchase a solid door reach in freezer for their Meals on Wheels of Charleston and Emergency Food Box program. The freezer will be dedicated to storing frozen meat and can hold up to 800 pounds of meat, which will serve 800+ seniors through the Meal on Wheels of Charleston and Emergency Food Box Program.

Past President and RCCF Chair Paul Stoney and our club’s Executive Secretary, Carroll Schweers, also visited the Lowcountry Youth Tennis Association Board Meeting on Wednesday evening to present a RCCF grant check on the club’s behalf.  Our club’s donation will be used to purchase tennis equipment to start school based tennis programs at several title one elementary schools in Charleston. Equipment such as pop up nets, balls and tennis racquets are essential to the program and will be purchased.  Schools in which tennis programs have been implemented have seen growth in student’s academic and behavioral achievement as well as an increase in parental participation.

Congratulations to both Charleston Area Senior Citizens’ Services and the Lowcountry Youth Tennis Association!  Our club is pleased to support their efforts in our community.

Change in Membership Status Deadline – December 3rd

If you plan a change in your club member status by January 1, 2019 to Excused, Leave of Absence or if you are planning to resign, please notify Carroll in writing NO LATER THAN December 3, 2018.  This change will affect January billing. All current members who officially resign after December 3 will be billed $52 to cover Rotary International dues, which are paid the first of each billing cycle.  If you have any questions, contact Carroll.

 Faber Staff – Holiday Gift

At our meeting this coming Tuesday, we will again be collecting donations to give the staff at Faber as a holiday gift.  They do a fantastic job for us every Tuesday and we would like to show our appreciation by giving them some extra funds for the holidays. There will be buckets on the table, so please consider making a contribution. IMPORTANT:  This Tuesday will be the final day you can make a contribution. 

 Holiday Luncheon 

Hall’s Signature Events – 5 Faber

Our Annual Holiday Luncheon will be held at Faber on Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 12:00noon.  We will be having a plated meal just as if we were at Hall’s.  You have received several eVites to this festive event.  Please be sure to RSVP to the eVite by Dec. 6 – no exceptions!  There is no charge for Rotarians and spouses/guest are $40.  Reservations are limited.

 Board Member Nominations/Elections this Tuesday

In line with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Rotary Club of Charleston, the secretary shall supply each member in good standing with a roster giving the names of those members who are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors.  The below list reflects those eligible members who have agreed to serve, if elected.

The By-Laws were revised in June 2017 and state that to be eligible for election to the Board of Directors, a selectee, must be a member in good standing of the Rotary Club of Charleston (with no current dues delinquencies) and must be a member of the Rotary Club of Charleston for at least twelve (12) months as of October 1 of the year in which the election is to occur and met all requirements of a Blue Badge member.  Additionally, the selectee must have exhibited regular and reliable attendance of at least 70% (including make-ups) over the past twelve (12) months and must not have served on the Board in the prior twelve (12) months unless otherwise permitted herein.  A member must also have actively participated in a committee of the Club, as determined by the nominating committee. If elected, a member must agree to become a sustaining member of the Rotary Foundation and agree to attend at least one of the following District meetings:  District Convention, District Assembly or District Foundation Meeting.

The list of eligible members shall be presented to the members of the Club who shall by ballot each indicate their first through fourth preferences from the below list of eligible members to serve on the Board of Directors for the coming year.  Each member, in attendance at the annual meeting, or by proxy previously submitted, shall have four (4) votes to elect the four (4) new Board Members.  The annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 4.

Rotary members who are to remain on the Board of Directors during the 2019-2020 year are:  Alex Dallis, Sandy Morckel, Rob Dewey, Karl Riner, Heidi Finniff and Kerby Teller. Outgoing members are: Trey Lucy, Peter Shahid and Lisa Van Bergen.

The following members have been assigned by President Alex Dallis and Nominating Chairperson David Burt to the Nominating Committee:  John Channell, Tammy Coghill, Richard Sidebottom, Paul Stoney and Alissa Lietzow.

Members Eligible and Willing to Serve:

Don Baus
Karl Brady
Tom Giovanniello
Digit Matheny
Jack Mitchell
Charlie Palmer
Beth Savage
Paul Stoney
Robert Sullivan
Jeff Webb

Holiday Senior Giving

Mark Smith, Kelsey Willey, Carroll Schweers and Wal-Mart staff during shopping trip on Saturday

We are gearing up for our Annual Senior Gift Giving and Party for the residents of the Ansonborough House. The Historic Rotary Club of Charleston is very proud that we have the opportunity to make sure every resident of the Ansonborough House has a wonderful holiday. We need your support to make this a success! Gifts were purchased this past Saturday during our annual shopping trip to Warl-Mart. Volunteers are now needed to  wrap the presents immediately following our holiday luncheon on Tuesday, December 11 and host the party at the Ansonborough House on Wednesday, December 12 at 12:00noon.  If you can volunteer or have any questions, please contact Mark Smith @ [email protected]

Ringing Bell for Salvation Army

Our Annual “Ringing of the Bell” for Salvation Army will be held on Friday, Dec. 14.  We will have two stations – one at King/Market and one at Meeting/Market.  Sign up at an upcoming meeting or by contacting Karl Brady at [email protected].

Our Club is on Instagram

Our club launched an Instagram account this week.  Please be sure to follow us at @ChasRotaryClub, which is our Twitter handle, as well.

Members are encourage to follow all of our social media channels and share posts with their followers too!  We also need members to send us picture of anything they do that relates to Rotary – service projects, meetings, events, etc.  We would love to keep our accounts full of smiling Rotarians! Photos can be send to Mike Sottak, [email protected], or Rob Byko, [email protected].

Join the PR Committee and Earn Service Hours, too! (Fame, notoriety and recognition from your peers is FREE!)

We’re looking for 3 to 4 Rotarians to help us spread the word about our Club through various communications channels. Your contributions will reach countless Club members, family and friends, as well as the local community at-large more than 36-times a year! Your feature stories and timely coverage of Rotary Club events may also be picked up by District, National and International Rotary news channels.

Don’t worry if your’re not an expert techie, can’t write like Hemingway and Pat Conroy, or wield a camera like Steve McCurry or Annie Leibovitz – our super-qualified A-team will be right there to support your efforts with training and guidance you’ll need to see your by-line and photo-credit circulation grow to an epic scale.

Social Media Manager:  Work with team members, committee heads and the Board on developing, publishing and promoting social media content for the Club. Active channels now include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. Familiarity with these or emerging platforms will be helpful, as will knowledge of what makes for successful SM content. Experience with search optimization techniques will earn you immediate MVP status. While your own exposure to Social Media is helpful, it is not essential. The team will gladly train our e-challenged volunteers, too!

Keyway Production Manager: Work with co-chairs, Keyway editor and our content development team to publish our weekly newsletter on club web site. Familiarity with web publishing and content managing systems (e.g WordPress) a plus.

Keyway Content Developers: Copywriters & storytellers who can develop short-form, original content including summary articles, possibly combined with team-generated photos and/video content, to provide coverage of weekly meetings and presenters, as well as occasionally produce special features on past or upcoming club events, special projects and fundraisers.

So if you are interested in maximizing your Rotary experience, this is your chance to create an immediate and long-lasting impact on how our Club is regarded by current and prospective members. You will also be shaping how our Club will be recognized by our peers, our community and by Rotary International for the good work of our members.

Join the Charleston Rotary Press Corps and help generate that buzz! Contact Mike Sottak, [email protected], or Rob Byko, [email protected], for more information.


Member News

Our most heartfelt condolences to Conrad Festa on the passing of his wife, Jean, as well as to Past President and Mayor John Tecklenburg and his son, Joseph on the recent passing of their mother/grandmother, Esther. Our thoughts and prayers are with both families.  

President Alex, Stefany Ceccato & Heidi Finniff

We were pleased to induct a new member into our club this past Tuesday.  Stefany Ceccato was introduced and sponsored by Heidi Finniff and will hold the classification of Travel Agent.  Welcome to Rotary, Stefany!

President Alex presented Heath Beam with his BLUE membership badge this past Tuesday.  Heath has been an active new member and successfully completed his Red Badge requirements.  Congratulations to Heath — you are an “official” Rotarian!

Nicolle Davies

Nicolle Davies 

  • Joined:  2012 (Rotary); 2017(Rotary Club of Charleston
  • Sponsor:  Past President Andy Brack
  • Membership Involvement:  Community Service Committee, RCCF Advisory Committee
  • Classification:  Library Administration
  • Profession:  Executive Director, Charleston County Public Library
  • Something Unique About Yourself:  I love education! I have two Master degrees, one in Public Administration, the other in Library and Information Science.
  • Dec. 4 – John Channell
  • Dec. 5 – Nathan Allen
  • Dec. 6 – Andy Anderson
  • Dec. 9 – Johnny Stuhr
  • Dec. 9 – Lorraine Perry

By the numbers

Attendance on November 27, 2018:  73

Not in attendance:  Allen, Baggs, Bailey, Bishop, Bullard, Buzon, Carico, Channell, Cole, Cooper, E., Cooper, J., Cooper, M., Coxe, DeGraff, Drafts, Echols, Embry, Gill, Hudnall, Husser, Jones, C., Kerrigan, Krumwiede, LaMotte, Leonard, Livingston, Marty, Matheny, Mitchell, Plotner, Raver, Riley, Rust, Saboe, Schmidt, Seguer, Sidebottom, Smith, H., Smith, P., Sottak, Stokes, Strickland, Taylor, E., Taylor, T., Tecklenburg, John, Tecklenburg, P., Weber, Welborn, Whitaker, Williams D.

Out of Town Make-ups:  None


Wash Hands Often

Wash hands often to help prevent the spread of germs. It’s flu season. Wash your hands with soap and clean running water for at least 20 seconds.



  • Summerville – Oakbrook: 7:30 a.m., Monday, Westcott County Club, 5000 Wescott Club Drive, North Charleston
  • North Charleston: 12:30 a.m., Monday, Hilton Garden Inn, 5265 International Blvd, North Charleston.
  • Summerville Evening: 5:30 p.m., Monday, Montreux Bar and Grill, 127 W. Richardson Ave., Summerville


  • East Cooper Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Cooper River Room at Waterfront Park, Mount Pleasant
  • Charleston: 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, Hall’s Signature Events, 5 Faber, Charleston
  • Goose Creek: 12:45  m. Tuesday, Gilligan’s, 219 St. James Ave., Goose Creek


  • Daniel Island: 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, Daniel Island Club, 600 Island Park Dr., Daniel Island
  • St. John’s Parish (John’s Island): 7:45 a.m. Wednesday, 2817 Maybank Highway, Unit 1, John’s Island
  • Mount Pleasant: 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Harbor Breeze Restaurant, 176 Patriots Point Road, Mount Pleasant
  • Summerville: 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sticky Fingers, Summerville


  • North Charleston Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Embassy Suites, 5055 International Blvd., North Charleston
  • Moncks Corner: 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Gilligan’s Restaurant, Moncks Corner
  • St. Andrews (West Ashley): 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Bessinger’s BBQ, 1602 Savannah Highway, Charleston.



Our Rotary club actively uses social media — and we encourage you to interact with us through social media.


The Keyway has been published weekly as a newsletter for the Rotary Club of Charleston for more than 90 years.

  • President: Alex Dallis
  • Keyway editor: Don Baus [email protected]
  • Executive secretary: Carroll Schweers, [email protected]
  • Mailing address: Rotary Club of Charleston, P.O. Box 21029 ,Charleston, SC 29413-1029
  • Copyright 2018, Rotary Club of Charleston. All rights reserved.