May 15, 2018: Our very own Michael Saboe, Dean of Trident Technical College’s Culinary Institute, welcomed our club to their Palmer Campus location. Michael has been with the Culinary Institute since 2008, and provides leadership in to the local hospitality industry via his involvement in: the Charleston Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, The BBT Wine and Food Festival, the Southern Foodways Alliance, Charleston Restaurant Association, Charleston Restaurant Foundation, and the Charleston Chamber of Commerce Education Foundation. 30 staff work for him at the Culinary Institute, approximately half are chefs and half are teachers in hospitality/management. They have 12 kitchens at the Main Campus, and specialty areas are taught at the Palmer Campus for more advanced students. They provide 4 different Associate Degree tracks: Culinary Arts Technology, Baking & Pastry, Sports & Health Nutrition, and Hospitality Management. They have about 600 students currently in the program.
He noted the biggest challenge his program has is employers recruiting students to leave school to work full-time. It can be tempting to earn more money, but it interrupts the student’s ability to progress in his/her field.
Michael notes upcoming food trends in our community include Moroccan, Peruvian, and Ethiopian. International cuisine is growing in Charleston, which currently has approximately 500 restaurants.
Michael shared with us Trident Technical College (TTC)’s vision: To Education the Individual, Accelerate the Economy, and Inspire the Future. He noted that TTC is an excellent value, with a full semester only costing about $900 due to SC Lottery Assistance for SC residents. Trident Technical College is the 3rd largest college in SC and the largest of the 16 technical colleges. TTC serves Charleston/Dorchester/Berkeley counties, and has 16,000 students. The median age is 23, 60% of students are part-time, and 60% of them are female. There are four campuses: Main (North Charleston), Palmer (downtown), Berkeley, and Mount Pleasant. Most TTC students work and attend school, and therefore take 3.5 years to complete a 2 year degree.
Trident Tech is an option many students should consider, in light of the fact that the average student from the Class of 2016 graduates with $37,000 in debt.
The exciting new venture for TTC is the SC Aeronautical Training Center, which is a community collaboration, among the county, state, federal, city, TTC, and private donors.
Rotarian Mary Ann Kohli shared about the Clemente Project, which she has been running at TTC for many years. The program offers hope and enlightenment to disadvantaged adults, with free tuition and books. Mary Ann serves the homeless and those in recovery, and teaches them history, art, and philosophy. She will also offer a course for veterans this year, thanks to a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Referrals can be made at [email protected].
– Lisa Van Bergen, Keyway Committee
• Joseph Tecklenburg gave the Invocation and led us in the pledge.
• Owen Clary introduced our Visiting Rotarians and guests.
• President David Burt presented Health and Happiness.
• Past President Digit Matheny introduced our speaker and fellow Rotarian, Michael Saboe, who is Dean of the Culinary Arts Institute of Charleston.
May 22, 2018 | Issue 4891 | President: David Burt
• May 22 – Dr. Brian Sullivan, Clinical Psychologist, an Inventor of a breakthrough technology and Founder of Vizbii Technologies Inc.@ 5 Faber Place
• May 29 – No meeting
• June 5 – Helen Hill, Charleston Tourism
• June 12 – No meeting
• June 19 – Steve Dudash, Density vs. Sprawl
May 15 and May 22 Luncheon Location Changes
As most of you are aware, as much as we all love meeting at Riley Park, due to our budget constraints we are having to look for a new meeting venue starting July 1. We would like members to experience a couple of different options to see what would best work for our club.
This Tuesday, May 22, we will be meeting at 12:30pm at 5 Faber Place, which is an event venue in the Hall Hospitality Group. There is convenient parking in the adjacent parking garage on Cumberland Street, as well as various other garages within walking distance.
We would appreciate your feedback on both Trident Technical College and 5 Faber, so that the Board can make the best decision for our club. Please send your thoughts to President David or Carroll. We are open to your ideas!
Operation Home – Ramp Building Day Postponed
Due rain this past Friday, the ramp building day for Operation Home has been rescheduled to Friday, June 1st from 9:00am-3:00pm. For those of you who expressed interest and could not make it this past Friday due to conflicts on your schedule, we hope that this new date will work better for you. President David emailed detailed information, as well as a liability form to all members last week. If you are interested in volunteering, you must complete this form and return to David.
Program Committee to meet on June 5th
The next Program Committee meeting will be on Tuesday, June 5th after our lunch. We will meet for 30 min. All current committee members, and anyone who wants to be a part, are welcome to attend.
Club Member Survey
A club survey was emailed out to all members by Sandy Morckel this past Tuesday. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey as club leaders want to know what is important to you, what you expect from Rotary and what you value most as a Rotarian. The information will be used to help with future planning.
Rotary District Alzheimer’s Gala
Rotary District Alzheimer’s Gala to raise money for Alzheimer’s research is scheduled for Saturday, July 28, 2018 at the Charleston Marriott in Charleston, South Carolina. It is a black tie optional event and designed to provide you with a great experience, as well as an opportunity to contribute to the funding of research to find a cure for Alzheimer’s. Save the date – more information to come.
Welcome New Members
President David inducted two new members into our club this past Tuesday – Ja’net Bishop and Jamie Cooper. Ja’net was introduced and sponsored by Sandy Morckel and will hold the classification Personal Development/Training. Jamie, who is a former Rotarian of the Summit Rotary Club in Greensboro, NC, was introduced and sponsored by Jack Mitchell. Jamie will hold the classification of Eleemosynary/Executive. Both Ja’net and Jamie are US Army veterans and were quickly recruited by Skip Fink for our Veteran’s Committee! Congratulations and welcome into Rotary Ja’net and Jamie!
Get involved
Your 2018/2019 Board has starting their planning for the upcoming Rotary year, which starts on July 1. They would like to see everyone get involved with our club and participate on a committee. If you would like to find out how you can serve the club or have service project ideas for the coming year, please contact a Board Member – Alex Dallis, Sandy Morckel, Trey Lucy, Peter Shahid, Lisa Van Bergen, Rob Dewey, Karl Riner, Heidi Finniff, or Kerby Teller.
Rotarian: Kim Rich
Joined: 2018
Sponsor: Nicolle Davies
Membership Involvement: New Member
Classification: Medical/University/Development
Profession: Executive Director of Advance Studies, Medical University of SC
Something Unique About Yourself: My first real job was working for a tour company in Nashville, Tennessee which required me to manage drivers, guides and all the buses. The owner became a mentor when she stipulated the only way I could manage this group was to learn to do all aspects of their jobs. I learned to drive buses, got my commercial driver’s license, learned how to give tours on moving vehicles (facing backward and holding on for dear life) as well as lead groups through multiple venues, crowds and events while espousing “interesting” facts. To this day I remember that lesson and do not ask my team to do anything I am not willing and able to do myself. It was a lesson that has served me well.
• May 22 – Valerie Morris
• May 25 – Kerby Teller
• May 27 – Amy Jenkins
By the numbers
Attendance on May 15, 2018: 78
Not in attendance: Baggs, Barry, Beam, Berlin, Bickley, Bodkin, Brack, Bullard, Buzon, Byko, Carico, Channell, Clark, Coe, Coghill, Cole, Cook, Cooper, E., Crouch, Deavenport, Diminch, Dymek, Embry, Gill, Hart, Hudnall, Husser, Jenkins, Jones, Kaynard, Kerrigan, Krunwiede, LaMotte, Livingston, Morris, Pate, Peters, Prewitt, Ravenel, Savage, Schmidt, Seguer, Stokes, Strickland, Stuckey, Taylor, E., Tecklenburg, J., Thomas, Webb, Williams, D.
Out of Town Make-ups: None
Floss Daily – You know you need to, now it’s time to start: floss every single day. Do it at the beach (in a secluded spot), while reading on your patio, or when watching TV — and the task will breeze by.
Flossing reduces oral bacteria, which improves overall body health, and if oral bacteria is low, your body has more resources to fight bacteria elsewhere. Floss daily and you’re doing better than at least 85% of people.
- Summerville – Oakbrook: 7:30 a.m., Monday, Westcott County Club, 5000 Wescott Club Drive, North Charleston
- North Charleston: 12:30 a.m., Monday, Hilton Garden Inn, 5265 International Blvd, North Charleston.
- Summerville Evening: 5:30 p.m., Monday, Montreux Bar and Grill, 127 W. Richardson Ave., Summerville
- East Cooper Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Cooper River Room at Waterfront Park, Mount Pleasant
- Charleston: 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, The Riley Park Club, Charleston
- Goose Creek: 12:45 m. Tuesday, Gilligan’s, 219 St. James Ave., Goose Creek
- Daniel Island: 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, Daniel Island Club, 600 Island Park Dr., Daniel Island
- John’s Parish (John’s Island): 7:45 a.m. Wednesday, 2817 Maybank Highway, Unit 1, John’s Island
- Mount Pleasant: 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Harbor Breeze Restaurant, 176 Patriots Point Road, Mount Pleasant
- Summerville: 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sticky Fingers, Summerville
- North Charleston Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Embassy Suites, 5055 International Blvd., North Charleston
- Moncks Corner: 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Gilligan’s Restaurant, Moncks Corner
- Andrews (West Ashley): 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Bessinger’s BBQ, 1602 Savannah Highway, Charleston.
- Charleston Breakfast: 7:30 a.m., Friday, Harbour Club, 35 Prioleau St., Charleston
Our Rotary club actively uses social media — and we encourage you to interact with us through social media.
- We’re on Facebook. Take a look at our page and be sure to “like us”.
- We’re on Twitter. You can follow us @chasrotaryclub.
The Keyway has been published weekly as a newsletter for the Rotary Club of Charleston for more than 90 years.
- President: David Burt
- Keyway editor: Don Baus [email protected]
- Executive secretary: Carroll Schweers, [email protected]
- Mailing address: Rotary Club of Charleston, P.O. Box 21029 ,Charleston, SC 29413-1029
- Copyright 2018, Rotary Club of Charleston. All rights reserved.