4/17: Michael Breedlove and DECA Students: What is DECA?

April 17, 2018 – Our presentation this week came from a number of young students at RB Stall High School. Michael Breedlove, who is the Business and Marketing Instructor for Stall High School, brought with him, Adrian Pinckney, Emily Barrios and Jamaria Purdie who bravely took the microphone to explain what their organization does to prepare students for the “real world.” DECA started as the Distributive Education Clubs of America.

The focus is to give student members the skills needed to succeed at business. Coach Breedlove’s team has worked on several projects to hone their business and marketing skills, but perhaps the most effective has been a presentation they have developed on smart use of smart devices.

Their presentation gives students and members of the general public as well tips on how to use social media in ways that avoid unintended hurtful consequences.

The DECA students explained that social media does have a positive side. It can help students with their education, provide them with a source for emotional support, and build communities. There is also, however, a dark side – the anxiety and depression which can come from cyber bullying and FOMO, the fear of missing out. In their presentation, these students help fellow students search the web securely by emphasizing the need to look for the “https” prefix for websites. They remind their comrades that social media posts can have a life beyond the time when they are deleted. Screen shots can turn a momentary lapse of judgment into a life-time of embarrassment.

The answer to cyber bullying, the students said, was to tell someone when it happens. When asked if taking the phone away might help eliminate the problem, these teens expressed a be- lief that such a step is difficult. Often the phone is the gateway of these young people to the support they need and the educational advantages to overcome the problems they are experi- encing. If a parent is going to take the phone away, they said an open and lengthy conversation about the matter with the child was crucial. Coach Breedlove noted that in Charleston

County it is school policy that cell phones are not allowed during school hours except at lunch. Infractions can lead to a three-day suspension. While students do not as a result have phones available in class time, 90 percent of them have laptops given by the school according to Coach Breedlove. Social media is blocked, but Coach Breedlove is certain many of his tech-savvy students can work around the system if they want.

There are about 20 students involved in DECA at Stall. These students learn many of the “soft skills” needed for employment success, such as how to interview for jobs and what em- ployers look for in job candidates. Coach Breedlove makes sure they understand that colleges= and employers both look at the picture social media paints of candidates to ensure that the stu- dents consider the long-term consequences of their online personas. Many of our presenters are, of course, seasoned public speakers, but our hats are off to these young people who showed such poise in bringing their DECA skills to their presentation this week.

— Submitted by Alex Dallis, Keyway Committee


  • Nicolle Davies gave the Invocation and led us in the pledge.
  • Bill Christian introduced visiting Rotarians and guests
  • President David Burt presented Health and Happiness.
  • Jack Mitchell introduced our speakers: Michael Breedlove with RB Stall HS students Adrienne Pinckney, Emily Feria and Fabian Pena


April 24, 2018  |  Issue 4887  |  President:  David Burt

  • April 17 – DECA: Digital You?
  • April 17 – Rotary Board Meeting @ 11am
  • April 19 – Board Planning Retreat @ TTC @ 12:00noon
  • April 24 – Joe Daniels, Medal of Honor Museum
  • May 1 – Hayne Hipp, Liberty Fellowship
  • May 8 – Honoring CCSD Teachers of the Year/Rotary Scholars May 15 – Trident Technical College, Palmer Campus

May 15 and May 22 Luncheon Location Changes

As most of you are aware, as much as we all love meeting at Riley Park, due to our budget constraints we are having to look for a new meeting venue starting July 1. We would like members to experience a couple of different options to see what would best work for our club.

On Tuesday, May 15, our luncheon will be held at 12:30pm at Trident Technical College, Palmer Campus. Our meeting will be in the Culinary Art Institute building in the Palmer Amphitheater. Our own Mike Saboe, Dean of the Culinary Institute of Charleston, will be our keynote speaker.

Parking is available in the lot in front of the building.

The following Tuesday, May 22, we will be meeting at 12:30pm at 5 Faber Place, which is an event venue in the Hall Hospitality Group. There is convenient parking in the adjacent parking garage on Cumberland Street, as well as various other garages within walking distance.

If you have any ideas of meeting venue on peninsular, please let President David or Carroll know. We are open to your ideas!

Two new blue badgers

Congratulations to Amy Chico and Lisa Stokes who both successfully completed all the new member requirements and were presented with their BLUE membership badge this past Tuesday. Both ladies have been actively involved in club activities and we are excited to have them as “official” Rotarians!

Three Rotarian candidates

The following membership candidate has submitted an application and signed letter of agreement to the Historic Rotary Club of Charleston:

  • Ja’net Bishop, sponsor: Sandy Morckel, classification:
  • Linda Minson, sponsor: Doug Holmes, classification: Real Estate
  • Jamie Cooper, sponsor: Jack Mitchell; classification: Eleemosynary/Executive

In the event you know Ja’net, Linda or Jamie, please tell a member of the Board how he will serve the ideas of Rotary.

New member orientation to be May 1

The New Member Orientation originally scheduled for this past Tuesday was postponed until Tuesday, May 1 at 11:00am in Suite 401 of Riley Park. If you are a new member and haven’t attended an orientation session yet, make plans to attend. Attending one of these sessions is one of requirements to receive a Blue badge.

Leadership assembly

Our District’s Leadership Assembly is scheduled for Friday, April 20 at Seacoast Church in Mount Pleasant. This is an excellent opportunity right here in our own backyard for all Rotarians to learn more about Rotary and meet other Rotarians in our area. Please consider attending and let Carroll know if you would like to register. The club pays the registration fee.

May 15 meeting to be at Palmer Campus

Please note that on Tuesday, May 15, our luncheon will be held at Trident Technical College, Palmer Campus in the Palmer Amphitheater at 12:30pm. Our own Mike Saboe, Dean of the Culinary Institute of Charleston, will be our keynote speaker.


Long-time Rotarian, Alden “John” Flint passed away earlier this month. John was a Rotarian for over 50 years and a Paul Harris Fellow. He will be dearly missed by us all. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Congratulations to Tim McVicker, who was inducted into our club this past Tuesday. Tim was sponsored by Heidi Finniff and will hold the classification of Human Resource/Consulting. Welcome to Rotary, Tim!

With much regret, the Board accepted the resignation of Curt Mercadante at this past week’s Board meeting. We will miss Curt and wish him all the best!

Get involved.  Your 2018/2019 Board has starting their planning for the upcoming Rotary year, which starts on July 1. They would like to see everyone get involved with our club and participate on a committee. If you would like to find out how you can serve the club or have service project ideas for the coming year, please contact a Board Member – Alex Dallis, Sandy Morckel, Trey Lucy, Peter Shahid, Lisa Van Bergen, Rob Dewey, Karl Riner, Heidi Finniff, or Kerby Teller.


Rotarian: Lisa Van Bergen

  • Joined: 2011
  • Sponsor: Andrew C. Brack
  • Membership Involvement: Board Member
  • Classification: Eleemosynary/Executive
  • Profession: Principal, Professional Nonprofit Solutions LLC/ Therapist, Lowcountry Pastoral Counseling Ctr
  • Something Unique About Yourself: I recently made a career change and started my own business to provide grant-writing services to nonprofits and other organizations. I am also a Licensed Professional Counselor and a Certified Addictions Counselor.


  • None

By the numbers

  • Attendance on April 10, 2018: 66
  • Not in attendance: Allen, Baggs, Barry, Barton, Baus, Beam, Berlin, Bodkin, Brack, Brady, Bullard, Carico, Coghill, Cole, Cook, Cooper, Cooper, Crouch, Davies, Deavenport, Dewey, Drafts, Dymek, Echols, Gill, Hart, Hudnall, Husser, Jamme, Kaynard, Kerrigan, Krumwiede, Livingston, Marty, Matheny, McGhee, Mercadante, Mitchell, Morckel, Moring, Morris, Oswalt, Palmer, Pate, Peters, Ravenel, Raver, Riley, Saboe, Schmidt, Sdiebottom, Smith, H., Smith, M., Strickland, Stuckey, Taylor, E., Tecklenburg, John, Tecklenburg, P., Teller, Thomas, Webb, Williams, A., Youngs,
  • Out of Town Make-ups: Steve Dopp – York, ME

Get Dirty. And let your kids get dirty, too. Getting dirty can be exposure to common bacteria, and common bacteria are good for you. When they routinely inhabit our bodies, they can produce vitamins and proteins we need and help make our immune and gastrointestinal systems work



  • Summerville – Oakbrook: 7:30 a.m., Monday, Westcott County Club, 5000 Wescott Club Drive, North Charleston
  • North Charleston: 12:30 a.m., Monday, Hilton Garden Inn, 5265 International Blvd, North Charleston.
  • Summerville Evening: 5:30 p.m., Monday, Montreux Bar and Grill, 127 W. Richardson Ave., Summerville


  • East Cooper Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Tuesday, Cooper River Room at Waterfront Park, Mount Pleasant
  • Charleston: 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, The Riley Park Club, Charleston
  • Goose Creek: 12:45  m. Tuesday, Gilligan’s, 219 St. James Ave., Goose Creek


  • Daniel Island: 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, Daniel Island Club, 600 Island Park Dr., Daniel Island
  • John’s Parish (John’s Island): 7:45 a.m. Wednesday, 2817 Maybank Highway, Unit 1, John’s Island
  • Mount Pleasant: 12:30 p.m., Wednesday, Harbor Breeze Restaurant, 176 Patriots Point Road, Mount Pleasant
  • Summerville: 1 p.m. Wednesday, Sticky Fingers, Summerville


  • North Charleston Breakfast: 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Embassy Suites, 5055 International Blvd., North Charleston
  • Moncks Corner: 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Gilligan’s Restaurant, Moncks Corner
  • Andrews (West Ashley): 12:30 p.m., Thursday, Bessinger’s BBQ, 1602 Savannah Highway, Charleston.



Our Rotary club is on Facebook – Take a look at our page and be sure to “like us”. We are now also on Twitter. Follow us – @chasrotaryclub.


The Keyway has been published weekly as a newsletter for the Rotary Club of Charleston for more than 90 years.

  • Mailing address: Rotary Club of Charleston, P.O. Box 21029 ,Charleston, SC 29413-1029
  • Copyright 2018, Rotary Club of Charleston. All rights reserved.
