The University of South Carolina

 May 21, 2013: The University of South Carolina President, Harris Pastides, spoke to the Rotary club about his optimism and the great momentum underway at the university. Dr. Pastides completed all of his graduate work at Yale University and has been USC President since 2008.  Currently, there are 32,000 students on the Columbia Campus with more students at seven other campuses around the state. At the recent graduation ceremonies he shook the hands of over 6,000 students!  Dr. Pastides envisions a better economic recovery in South Carolina than many places in the country, he noted that jobs are coming back and students are applying to USC in record numbers. Over 23,000 students have applied for the incoming Freshman class, and 5,300 applicants have already received acceptance letters have mailed their deposit. Dr. Pastides joked that if all of these students attend the university, it will be “snug.”  He anticipates that the university will grow to accommodate 5,000 Freshman each year. With costs of private colleges booming up to $50,000 per year, 97% of USC students are utilizing the $4,000 per year SC Lottery tuition assistance.
The university’s applicants include honors students as well as solid students with an incoming SAT average of over 1200. Great attention is also being given to students who need assistance.  Since the greatest percentage of student dropouts occurs after the Freshman year, attention is being given to counseling incoming students with an emphasis on staying healthy, keeping on task and beginning the semester with strong start. Nationwide, we are seeing fewer college graduates due to the cost of college, the cost of student loans and the shortage of immediate jobs.  At the same time, foreign students from China, India and Brazil are applying in record numbers and arrive with their full costs paid!  Thus, the challenge for US colleges is to be competitive as well as to maintain high student retention rates.  

USC is starting a new on-line program that focuses on students who left college due to job moves, family financing, etc. This will enable those in the workforce to complete their education remotely.  Although not every field is available, nursing, criminal justice, business and human resources are currently being offered.  Unfortunately, people in other fields of work, who want on-line education, are forced into the more expensive for-profit colleges. Although the public higher education system has a long road ahead of working to provide more opportunities for these students, USC has made an excellent start.
The second new USC program “ON YOUR TIME,” encourages students to apply their high school AP course credits and graduate in a shorter period of time. The “four year” college schedule is not cast in stone. With costs as high as they are, students are being encouraged to plan their education in the most economical way, including maximizing the use of summer programs as USC has increased its “year around” offerings.
[Reporter’s personal note: “As a life-long educator who specialized in education administration I want to state that our state is fortunate indeed to have Dr. Pastides as the President of USC!”  Fred Sales, Ed. D.]

Reported by Fred Sales, Keyway Committee