Alan Wilson, South Carolina Attorney General
April 24, 2012: The Historic Rotary Club of Charleston was proud to host the state’s top legal official, Alan Wilson.
Wilson spoke to a packed luncheon crowd, that included a record number of guests and visiting Rotarians. “It must be free lunch day, to see a crowd like this…” Opened Wilson, displaying his wry sense of humor. He then swapped Club flags with President Patterson Smith, underscoring his commitment to the tenets of Rotary. He then reminded us of his deep roots in the tri-county region, including the mention of his five uncles who attended The Citadel.
With a calm demeanor, the 51st Attorney General provided the Club with a concise summary of the structure of the AG office and the primary duties they manage. The Office has grown substantially since its inception in 1698; it the oldest constitutional office in the state. “Our office operates with a healthy blend of politics, policy and the law,” said Wilson. “And I am humbled to be here with you. You are my bosses, I work for you.”
Currently operating with a $16 million budget, the AG office has grown substantially during the last 35 years to include many new areas outside of criminal prosecution: Opinions, Appeals, Civil Divisions.
“As your Attorney General, I work hard to take the politics out of the job. What we do is balance the facts with the law.” As an example, Mr. Wilson told us about the process regarding the investigation of ethics charges into former Lt. Gov. Ard’s activities. “It’s not an easy process in any situation, and that case has been particularly difficult, but in the interest of the citizens we must remain impartial, following the rule of law and guidelines governing ethical behavior in public office.” He provided updates on the other big issues that his office is navigating: the evolution of The Affordable Healthcare Law (Obama-care), The Immigration Law, Voter ID, and the Savannah River Maritime Commission Act.
It was obvious to the Club that Attorney General Wilson is passionate about the well-being of the citizens and the brand of our state.
Thank you Attorney General Wilson; visit again soon!
Submitted by Mark Danes, Keyway Committee