Hitt’s Shares Plans for South Carolina’s Growth

November 29, 2011: Our speaker was Bobby Hitt, Secretary of Commerce. A native of Charleston and a graduate of the University of South Carolina, he served for many years as publisher of The State newspaper in Columbia and another 18 years as Department Manager for Corporate Affairs for BMW. He has served on many boards and was honored in 2006 as USC distinguished alumni.

His goal in his new position, to which he was appointed by Gov. Haley, is to bring compromise for better economic development for the state. He notes that the current year is best investment year ever with over 10,000 new jobs added to the state work force with an impact of billions of dollars. High on the list of new jobs is a rebirth of manufacturing in South Carolina. We are a “right to work” state and have a loyal and skilled pool of workers who have many opportunities for training and personal development. He notes that SC today is better known internationally for its excellence than is perceived by the states’ citizens. 75% of new manufacturing work has come from the international community. The new Continental Tire Company in the midlands is setting the stage for SC to be the tire manufacturing center of the nation.

Our major challenges are to be flexible to the needs of the market place and to insure that we have a transportation system for the movement of goods produced in the state.

In response to questions he noted that the Charleston Harbor WILL BE DREDGED TO A 50 FOOT CHANNEL to accommodate the larger ships that are coming when the wider Panama Canal opens. He expects the state to provide up to 200 million dollars for the project. He also predicted that there will be a settlement of the railroad issues relating to the port and North Charleston.

Submitted by Fred Sales, Keyway Committee