Cancer Avoidance & Wellness
October 18, 2011: Richard Dowell, chairman of our club wellness committee, introduced our wellness goals: to improve wellness through education and participation in wellness programs; to be a model for other Rotary Clubs; to focus on benefits of workplace, family and community wellness. He then introduced Dr. Michael Wargovich, the Director of the MUSC Cancer/Chemo Prevention Program at the Hollings Cancer Center.
His organization is a pioneer in cancer prevention: drug discovery from Ethnobotanicals in the developing world. He told of the connection of inflammation and cancer noting that chronic, clinically invisible unresolved inflammation may create a very high risk of cancer. Tumors corrupt the inflammatory pathway to survive. Persons in the SE portion of the USA are at high risk of stroke, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. The high risk in the USA in general appears to be related to our affluence in that we have the money to eat whatever we want and we make selections poorly. Cancer is highly prevalent in Canada, USA and other highly developed areas and may be strongly related to our high use of processed foods.
As developing societies such as Mexico and India live longer, they will become more susceptible to cancer. The latest high risk areas are Japan, Singapore and China. There are many outstanding fruits grown in South America that the people have been eating for centuries, but it is now becoming more profitable to plant things eaten in America so that they can be grown in their summer which is our winter.
He is involved in ethnopharmacology: learning from traditional healers, research which studies the use of natural products in health care . Anti-oxidedant [why fruits turn brown] and Anti-inflammatory [acts as a pain reliever] are two words to remember. He stressed the value of Green Tea, which most of the world drinks, as being effective in preventing some cancer. The drinking of any kind of tea is beneficial. He also stressed RED in foods, such as red grapes and red wine. He recommends a glass of red wine or juice daily, as well as red fruits. Yellow, too, is important in the use of Turmeric, found in many Indian dishes. He further recommends buying local fruits and vegetables from Johns Island, and again stressed the use of Green Tea. Vitamins and pills are not going to save you, but eating healthy food will.
Submitted by Fred Sales, Keyway Committee