Lackey Touts Benefits of AT&T, T-Mobile Merger

July 12, 2011: A pending merger between telecommunications giant AT&T and T-Mobile would dramatically increase coverage and signal reliability across South Carolina, AT&T’s state president Pamela Lackey told more than 100 people Tuesday.

In a talk titled “Broadband technology for South Carolina,” Lackey highlighted the tremendous telecommunications changes taking place in the marketplace, most of which are driven by consumers’ seemingly insatiable appetite for using wireless technologies.

She noted AT&T’s wireless traffic has grown 8,000 percent in the last four years — and is expected to grow eight to 10 times more in the next four years.

“How would you scale up for that?” she asked members. “This has just been unprecedented. More and more traffic is going to keep coming and we’re going to have to continue to scale up.”

Among some interesting factoids:

Between 2008 and 2010, AT&T invested $675 million in South Carolina to enlarge and improve its wireless and wired networks.

Last year, it upgraded 200 cell towers.

In 2009, the company spent more than $45 million on goods and services from Palmetto State suppliers.

The company now employs 2,400 people in the state and has a payroll here of more than $185 million. Its workers donated 142,000 volunteer hours in the last year and its corporate philanthropy arm donated $1.8 million to state charities.

Lackey outlined how the merger with T-Mobile would benefit consumers across the state:

Spectrum. It will add wireless spectrum to give wireless networks more capacity where we need it most to improve network quality. The merged company should cover wireless needs for 97 percent of the states, she said, noting that rural areas would benefit the most from increased coverage.

Speed, reliability. The merger will add speed and reliability to the company’s infrastructure backbone.

Investment. Through the “enormous synergies” between the company, the merger also is expected to increase growth and investment in the state.

“Essentially, the merger will increase a 1 + 1 = 3 synergy,” Lackey said.

Through the merger, the bulked-up AT&T would be able to create a stronger broadband network that should also increase educational opportunities across the state, as well as offer more tools for small business and for health care providers. More:

Submitted by Andy Brack, Keyway Committee