WINTER GALA – Benefiting the LowCountry Food Bank

January 27, 2010: Our first ever Winter Gala was held in lieu of our regular meeting this week. Members and their guests enjoyed a spectacular evening at the Rice Mill Building on Lockwood. This was our only fundraising event of the year and proceeds will go to benefit the Lowcountry Food Bank. Guests enjoyed delicious food by Holy City Catering, music by Tim Taylor and a silent auction.

We sincerely appreciate the support of our generous sponsors –

GOLD SPONSORS: Soil Consultants (Brian Johnson), Francis Marion Hotel (Steve Dopp), Tom and Alma Clymer, Patterson Smith Company (Patterson Smith) and Holy City Catering.

SILVER SPONSORS: Dallis & Badger, P.A. (Alex Dallis), Morris Financial Planner (Kyra Morris), McGuire & Associates (Herb McGuire), Lights Camera Charleston (Wendy Beall & Scott Reid), and Pearlstine Distributors.

Also, a big thanks to Digit Matheny and the social committee for all their efforts in coordinating this wonderful evening!