September 22, 2009: Joe Riley was elected Mayor of the city of Charleston in 1975, and is currently serving his ninth consecutive term. Today, he spoke proudly about this city and what the changes that have occurred over the last 34 years, but not before taking the opportunity to thank our Rotary Club for its continued service and touting our members as pillars and leaders in the Charleston community.
On this the 20th anniversary of Hurricane Hugo, the Mayor reflected about the courage and collaboration of our community as we prepared for the storm and then responded to and recovered from storm. Our citizens rose to the occasion just as prior generations had when they faced earthquakes, fires and wars. He noted that the recovery started with the very preparation before the storm.
Reporting on the Charleston of today he gave highlights of progress and excellence:
Police Chief Mullin has surpassed all expectations. Violent crime is down 25%. We have 19 new officers and all officers are spending increased time “on the streets”. Each police cruiser is an electronic marvel that includes a complete computer console.
Fire Chief Carr has brought the knowledge of having been a chief in one of the nations very large fire companies. He is working to standardize fire fighting procedures throughout the region and has established 4 full time firepersons on duty at each unit.
Federal Stimulus Money is improving all aspects of the city, including police technology equipment, affordable housing, energy conservation, a new gymnasium and the West Ashley greenery.
Water Drainage is being improved by a massive undertaking in the area of Hampton Park, MUSC and the Ashley riverfront.
Cross-town Expressway is to receive an upgrade with a new median and trees.
Cruise Terminal is to receive a refurbishing, but plans are underway for major improvement of that whole sea entranced to Charleston.
Dock Street Theater will reopen on January 28th. It is completely rebuilt and will included the latest sound technology and total handicapped access.
Reported by Fred Sales, Keyway Committee