“Water Mission International and The Rotary Club of Charleston Save Lives”
March 10, 2009: “Every 15 seconds a child dies of a water-related disease, 1.1 billion people lack access to clean water, 2.4 billion lack access to sanitation, 25,000 people die every day to a water born disease.” These statistics are staggering. That’s why The Rotary Club of Charleston and the Daniel Island Rotary Club formed a partnership with Water Missions International to save lives!
In 2001 George and Molly Greene founded Water Missions International (WMI) as a Christian ministry in response to the over whelming need of so many for access to clean water. In 2004, post Tsunami, Rotary clubs got involved to help WMI achieve its goal of World Wide Water Quality. In the beginning WMI began by purchasing water filtration equipment and “dropping it off” in the areas of need. Since that time, through trial and error, the folks at WMI have created a system that not only provides clean water but that offers the education that is the only beginning point of true, lasting change! At present when WMI is at work they implement a community development program that educates the village people on the operation and maintenance of the water treatment system and on health and hygiene. The communities are also expected to raise the money to operate the treatment plants, as well as, construct a building to house the system and assist in its installation. By educating communities and involving those who benefit from the clean water that WMI provides, Water Missions is able to set the stage for real understanding and change. The cost of clean water is approximately $4 to $5 per thousand gallons or $4 per person, per year. Today, WMI has projects in over 40 countries, and over 600 water treatment systems. 1,000,000 people receive clean water today because of the work of Water Missions International.
Our project – Three years ago the Daniel Island Rotary Club formed a water committee and at that time Rotary International took on clean water as a project and The Rotary Club of Charleston agreed to a partnership. Currently, The Daniel Island Club as committed $10,000, Rotary Club of Charleston has committed $5000, and District 7770 has committed up to $50,000 to fund our joint project to provide safe water to villages in Peru. By working with out host partner, Iquitos Rotary, our money will be used to “retro-fit 4 existing river boats” with water treatment systems that will purify water and deliver it to 17 villages in the Amazon, serving over 3000 men, women and children. The villages will be equipped with tanks to hold the clean water and their people will receive safe water training and be educated on health and hygiene.
With your support, the partnership between our local rotary clubs, Rotary International and Water Missions can save thousands of lives, and move toward the finish line of providing safe, clean water to all in need. You can help by purchasing tickets to the Water Missions Gala, participating in the Walk for Water, sponsoring your own Rotary Wheels Fundraiser on May 18th or by supporting the Daniel Island Club’s Charity Duck Race on June 6th.
Submitted by Elizabeth Wooten Burwell, Keyway Committee