“What a Fantastic Time to Live in Charleston”

November 18th, 2008: Helen Hill is an Ashley Hall and Clemson University graduate with a degree in Tourism … within 3 years she became Executive Director and has held that position for 22 years.

Ms. Hill began her enthusiastic presentation by stating “we live in a fantastic place, and the rest of the world knows it.” She expanded her explanation by sharing the fact Charleston spends 8 million dollars a year to reach out: “what we do best is media relations.”

“Selling to the Press is like selling to anyone else and we’ve had a banner year.” Helen stated if she doesn’t have an article in Southern Living every month she’s failed. She quoted from the latest article, “The 10 Reasons to Visit Charleston … again.” Traveler Magazine listed Charleston #2 behind San Francisco. She emphasized the fact “tourism is the first step to economic development.” The #1 reason people visit Charleston? For the first time food tied with history.

Helen explained we are uniquely placed for the future. She recently attended a conference in London England and stated “regardless of who you voted for, the UK was on fire about the election … the US was cool again.” President-elect’s Porches of Charleston quote will help us immensely.

Our future is bright as it pertains to tourism and it’s all about friends and family. Charleston is where history lives and our demographics have dropped to the 35-55 year old group … a great sign. Even California has “crept” into our top 10 tourists and Europe continues to branch out. “So much for the quote about Charleston being so gay.”

Submitted by Bill Crowe, Keyway Committee Chair