CSO MAESTRO: “Music affects lives!”

September 23rd, 2008: Maestro David Stahl, Music Director of the Charleston Symphony Orchestra, grew up in NYC and had his musical debut in Carnegie Hall at the age of 23. He became a conductor fellow with the New York Philharmonic and was mentored by Leonard Bernstein with whom he had a personal working and conducting relationship. He now celebrates his 25th year with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra.

The CSO, founded in 1930 presently has 46 full time musicians. Each musician had to audition with up to 50 others to achieve his/her appointment. These 5 minutes of playing time were done behind a screen without identification. When the field was reduced to 3, identities become known. Auditioning from afar, at their own expense, they follow the same procedures as is true with the nation’s top orchestras.

David Stahl believes that music affects all our lives and has been at the center of Charleston’s history through wars, fires, earthquakes, loss of the navy base and other upheavals. He believes in the power of music to change lives and that the presence of the CSO has been vital to bringing in industrial firms from around the world to this area. The orchestra is a positive factor in our economy.

The CSO gives over 100 concerts a year, including many children’s concerts in area schools. The program closed with a memorable musical presentation by a string quartet playing Jerome Kern melodies. Members wishing to provide financial support to the CSO should contact them at their website: www.charlestonsymphony.com

Reported by Fred Sales, Keyway Committee