“Presidential/Board Transition Meeting”

June 24th, 2008: And so a new year begins. Before President Andy’s tenure began, President Jermaine gave a rousing speech and shared with our club some great memories, lessons learned, and some of the wonderful charitable endeavors he was able to participate and lead our club in as President. Thank you Jermaine for a job well done and another successful year for our club.

After induction, President Andy’s first order of business was to recognize Jermaine for all the hard work he had done. Second, he recognized the new board members that will guide us through what we know will be an interesting, exciting, and successful 2008-2009 year. As all incoming Rotary presidents do, Andy attended a Rotary conference in Los Angeles, California. He attended meetings and met Rotarians from all over the world. While there, it fueled some great ideas to implement and goals for our club to achieve this year.

First, there is no doubt our club is a big supporter of local charities. But, Andy is excited about identifying an international project that we can support. Rotary is able to do so much nationally and internationally and both are equally important.

One of the many great things about our club is the quality of our programs. “Every week I learn something” says Andy and it’s his goal to make sure that each and every week we have a program that is interesting and informative. Jennet Alterman has agreed to join him in continuing this effort. His other areas of focus are a successful wellness program, integrating new members so that they are involved right away and making sure that our big fundraising project is something we focus on and own. Just to give the money isn’t enough, participating to make sure it’s successful is also important.

It’s been a wonderful year led by President Jermaine. With Andy now at the helm, we all can look forward to continued success heading our way.

Reported by Darby Siegel, Keyway Committee