“Charleston’s Piccolo Spoleto Festival at 30”

April 29, 2008: Many of us look forward to the Spoleto and Piccolo Spoleto festivals as the unofficial signs of Springtime in Charleston. Our club’s very own Ellen Dressler Moryl, filled to the brim with love for the arts, spoke to our club last week about these festivals.

Jennet Alterman introduced Ellen Dressler Moryl, reminding us how lucky we are to have both women in our club. Ms. Dressler Moryl recounted to us firsthand the history of Piccolo Spoleto, which came about after local artists voiced their desire, and with much work and dedication for the cause. Piccolo happens at the same time as Spoleto Festival, but is geared towards showcasing local artists. Piccolo is celebrating its 30th year of “bringing the arts to the people!” The performance venues for Piccolo are as varied as the types of art and artists in the festival: from under the “Angel oak” to inside churches or temples, to at the beach or at Mepkin Abbey! Ms. Dressler Moryl said that roughly 1/2 of Piccolo’s events are free, including the opening performance. While noting that many of Piccolo’s events are easily accessible to the general public, she also noted that the festival, along with Spoleto, has a very positive impact on the local economy.

Ms. Dressler Moryl is living in Charleston for the second time in her life, after having worked for the Office of Cultural Affairs in the late 1970’s and early 80’s, and then moving back to her former home of Portland, Oregon. She then came back to Charleston, where she again brings her talent to that Office. She is married to composer, Richard Moryl. Ms. Dressler Moryl’s presentation was peppered with a taste of what Piccolo is about. Before our meeting began, another of our own Rotarians, John Tecklenburg, delighted us with a selection from his jazz band.

Violinist Yuriy Bekker performed for us with pianist Irina Pevzner, giving a preview of “Israel at 60.” Leah Suarez then sang for us some Cuban inspired music, with Nathan Koci on the piano. We thank all of the artists, and Ellen Dressler Moryl , for joining us and sharing their talents.

Reported by Jackie Grau, Keyway Committee