“Gentleman Start Your Engines”

March 25th, 2008: On February 2, 1908 six of the most innovative automobiles of the time set out to complete the most difficult auto race ever. Three French teams, and one team each from Germany, Italy, and the United States would attempt to drive around the world, leaving Central Park in New York City destined for Paris, France. The United States took 1st Place arriving in Paris on July 30, 1908. In just less than six months, the US team made completing The Great Race a reality and created a legacy that would thrill auto enthusiast for years to come.

In 1996, The Great Race created the X Cup Division, a program created to allow young adults (ages 13 to 23), who are in school an opportunity to race a car across the country. Seeing a need to inspire and mentor our youth Dennis Barfield, Jack Crabtree and James Boggs formed the Charleston Area Youth Racers (CAYR) on January 14, 2006. CAYR is a 501 (c) non-profit that has a multi-faceted mission: the group strives to “train and teach teenagers the art of rebuilding antique/classic cars, to navigate the Great Race across the country, and the importance of team work, patience, self- reliance, and responsibility”. The founders of CAYR are certain that local teens will learn “the importance of preparation and honesty, and how to accept defeat, and relish in victory”. Additionally, the teams learn “how to share, how to compete, how to laugh at their own mistakes and forget the mistakes of others”. All monies raised by the CAYR are used to fund fuel, a chase car, and motel stays while on the road.

In May of 2008 The Spirit of America team, owned by Dennis Barfield, Jack Crabtree and James Boggs, will participate in the Great Race 2008 from New York to Paris. In their words The Great Race 2008 “is an unparalleled marketing platform that will visit many countries and be witnessed by 350 million people”. Upon their return, the men will begin building a new teenage team to race cross country in 2009, to create more “winners” for their motto is ” To Finish is to Win”!

Submitted by Elizabeth Wooten, Keyway Committee