The Automobile is Your “Second Home”
January 29, 2008: Jim Geffert introduced Ray Parrish as a very successful businessman who spent the first 23 years of his life working with his Dad in his “gas station” … that’s a phrase we haven’t heard for a while. But that background produced an extremely successful Regional sales manager for Ford Corporation who states his family is “top shelf and the key to his success.”
Ray set the stage for an extremely informative discussion that revolved around “better technology ideas in the automotive industry that is changing the world.” He stated the US market facts:
– 175 million internet users
– 110 million broadband users
– 100 million iPods sold as of April 2007
These numbers will continue to increase exponentially because:
– 73% (245 million) of today’s youth control the market demand
These factors converge with “their second home” … the car. Generation “Y” wants:
– Internet in the car
– Full voice control of their peripheral devices
– Plug and play as they start their car
Ray ensured we understood their industry-leading technology “meets a need and doesn’t create a need.’ He expanded on the fact Ford’s technology was launched from the ground up and done so in conjunction with Microsoft.
Questions from our Club revolved around safety and the future of corporate liability when dealing with inexperienced drivers using a plethora of technology integrated into an automobile that can serve our needs or take a life.
Reported by Bill Crowe, Keyway Committee Chair