Conversation with Joan Mack
February 19, 2008: Joan Mack, Public Information Director and Producer of the “Conversations” show on ETV Public Radio was our speaker of the day. Joan brings to the program a broad background and groundbreaker experiences: first Afro-American female to cost such a program; 2001 award recipient for a program produced at the College of Charleston reporting on the Civil Rights Movement; Fox 24 award as an “exceptional person”; recipient of a public service award from Pope John Paul II.
Joan started her reporting career in 1972 on our local Channel 5 who were “seeking an African-woman to join the staff.” Though she had no prior broadcasting experience she applied for and received the job. From there she moved to Channel 2 as a lead reporter, again breaking ground as a female reporter. Finally the producers of “Conversations” on ETV radio recruited her and she has continued her outstanding reporting.
Her interviews have included many of the nations noteworthy citizens. She played a short radio segment for us during which we heard from Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives; James Clyburn, South Carolina Congressman; Jim Rex, State Superintendent of Schools; Brent Lott, C of C professor and author of “Jewel” and Oprah Winfrey selection; and most recently Michelle Obama, wife of the senator.
“Conversations with Joan Mack” airs each Thursday evening at 6:30 on ETV radio, FM 89.3. This is a format that goes back in time to the Fireside Chats originated with President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930’s. It is a tried and true format well worthy of the time to listen.
Reported by Fred Sales, Keyway Committee