Positive Downsizing-Jim Gray
September 25, 2007: This afternoon, Jim Gray gave an excellent talk entitled “Positive Downsizing”. Through a relaxed discussion, Jim shared a formula for going through the anxiety inducing process of layoffs and cutbacks. When asked by a show of hands, many of our Rotarians have either been victims of downsizing or have been on the management side of it.
Jim states that the most important part of the process is to remember human decency. He shared the four steps to making the experience a positive one.
1. Tell the truth
2. Make sure that there are no hidden agendas
3. Let people know that you care
4. Treat them fairly
By following these four steps, employees will feel more in control of their futures. Even when severance packages are not available, employee assistance programs and outplacement services should be considered. When managers and employers explain downsizing in terms of business rationale, employees are more understanding. It is also important to let employees know that they have done nothing wrong and that the downsizing is not their fault. The reasons for the downsizing should never be sugarcoated but should always be explained in terms of the company’s viability.
In addition, the path from the downsizing announcement to the actual layoffs should be highly visible. The earlier employees are notified, the better.
In closing, Jim advises us to know the legal issues and keep the end goal in mind for a positive downsizing experience.
Submitted by Angie Johnson, Keyway Committee