April 24, 2007: Our program focused on education support began with the recognition of the outstanding students of the previous three months from Fraser Middle School. It was a bittersweet moment when Dr. Maria Goodloe-Johnson introduced the Honor Roll teachers and the Teacher of the Year since it may have been the last time she will address us before leaving for her new assignment in Seattle. Not only will the members of our club, but all of Charleston County, especially the students and staff, will truly miss her compassion and competence.

The 2007 Honor Roll Teachers are Tara Mande from Stono Park Elementary, Deanna Mozingo from Mt. Pleasant Academy, Katherine L. Pyle from St. Andrew’s School of Math and Science, and Rebecca Sue Kutcher, the runner up for teacher the year from Cairo Middle School. Teacher of the Year is Ms. Cassie Norvell, a K-2 Multiage Teacher from Jennie Moore Elementary School. The award recognizes her innovation and implementation of multiage classes, so young children can learn at their own pace, in their own style, and at their own developmental level. She is also a teacher leader of first-year teachers and works to reduce the gap between non-Title I schools and Title I schools.

Ms. Norvell shared her unique and innovative way of learning using active projects tying all subjects together. The Art Project connected all aspects of Art including history, painter, museum, and finally owner who appreciates the art. Students created their own work of art and displayed it at an art show for the parents.

The Shoe Project made learning both practical and fun. After learning the history of shoes the class actually designed a pair of shoes, visited a shoe store, and interviewed the shoe store manager. They applied for jobs in their “class shoe store” where they got to sell shoes, write up tickets, and participate in all of the aspects of a retail operation. The Weather Project connected weather forecasting and safety precautions culminating in students presenting a weather broadcast for their parents.

This is just an example of the innovation of talented teachers in the District such as Ms. Norvell. Her contributions extend far beyond the classroom to the entire county education system and all deserves our thanks.

Reported by Wayne Outlaw, Keyway Committee