Round Two: School Board Candidates Speak Their Minds
October 31, 2006: Elections are just one week away! Our Rotary members are still closer to being some of the most informed citizens in the county.
Eight Charleston county school board candidates from West Ashley and Charleston (downtown) visited us this week: Lurline Fishburne, Toya Green, Marian Mentavlos, Jo Anne Cannon, Sandi Engelman, Ann Oplinger, Ruth Jordan, and Kay Kernodle. In their brief introductions, the candidates told us why they are vying for a seat.
Toya Green (downtown) is a local attorney, and is married to one of our own Rotary Club of Charleston members. Green’s level headed approach to problems includes focusing on the root of educational needs in young children. She also discussed the need for support as opposed to dissension from the board.
Lurline Fishburne (downtown) is also married to one of our own Rotarians. Fishburne is running with the “A” team which is composed of four candidates with common goals. She drew attention to the 150 years of business experience the team brings to the table, and how beneficial it would be to the system.
Marian Mentavlos (downtown) has 30 years of teaching experience, and masters and doctorate degrees in the educational field. She mentioned that the board will benefit greatly from having an educator on it. Mentavlos is comfortable working with individuals in the school system and wants to translate that into success for the whole district.
Sandi Engelman (WA) hopes to forgive past mistakes made in the district and move on to fix them. She has two children of her own, which is why she is driven to run for school board.
Engelman’s children have been recipients of Rotary awards.
Jo Anne Cannon (downtown), also an educator, has taught at the middle school level much of her career. Cannon discussed our four-way test in relation to the school system.
Ann Oplinger (WA) is a retired principal and school teacher from the Charleston county schools. Both of her children were educated in Charleston public schools. Oplinger also taught in McClellanville for eight years.
Ruth Jordan (WA) mentioned the ideal of seeing all children treated equally. Jordan supports the Charleston plan for excellence, and would like to see more fiscal responsibility to taxpayers.
Kay Kernodle (WA) has been a substitute teacher, and is also a small business owner. She suggested focusing this election on the children and staying away from political influences.
Candidates also briefly responded to questions submitted by club members.
Reported by Jackie Gottfried, Keyway Committee