Half Cent Tax Plan ready for November Vote

September 5, 2006: Leon Stavrinakis, Chairman of the Charleston County Council, brought the Rotary Club up to date on the plans and progress of the 2004 half cent tax increase. While it seems like a long time ago the tax underwent 3 different votes and the money did not start to come in until August of 2005. The board initially had many small projects in mind but the ever increasing costs of doing public works projects caused a change in thinking.

First, it must be noted that a major payment for the Cooper River bridge is made each year. Recognizing that inflation would make it impossible to implement all needs, the board plans to do all major projects over a ten year period and will borrow money against the projected tax income so as to maximize that which can be completed.

The board is dedicated to careful planning and accountability and has created a master plan that improves roads, stabilizes CARTA and sets aside green spaces. This plan will go before the voters in the November election, not to seek new tax money, but to approve the plan itself. All of the area mayors and Chambers of Commerce have joined in support of the plan.

In response to a question, Chairman Stavrinakis noted concern that the recent Post and Courier letter by Mayors Summey and Hallman was in error. While contractors who bid on projects must include On The Job Training for local workers in their bid, no money from the tax increase has been diverted for this purpose.

For the future he believes the State Legislature must mandate that local communities work together in regional planning.

Finally, Leon thanked the Rotary and all members of the community for the great support he feels that he received during his years on the county council. His term is ending and he feels proud of his opportunity to serve the community.

Reported by Fred Sales, Keyway Committee