Political Forum, Day 1: School Board Candidates

September 26, 2006: We kicked off our political series by hosting five impressive school board candidates. Larry Tarleton introduced our five school board candidates: Arthur Ravenel, Gregg Myers, Susan Simons, and, Robin Beard, all from the East Cooper area, and Ray Toler, from the North Charleston area.

Each candidate spoke individually, giving us a glimpse at their campaign, views, and background. The mediator then asked all of the candidates five questions, and we heard the diverse responses from the candidates. The questions varied from how the candidates felt about charter schools, to their reaction to the recent district court case involving a middle school teacher from a Charleston county school.

Arthur Ravenel related that he has been concerned about the county schools and drop-out rate, and decided to stand up and take action. He discussed educating students from their earliest levels through high school. He brought up the interesting point that technical trades may be learned at the high school level and provide for career skills.

Ray Toler, the sole North Charleston representative at the meeting, also spoke about bringing back vocational schools. Mr. Toler raised three children of his own, and has moved around a considerable amount due to his former naval career. He has been seen many different school systems, and feels his experience can benefit our community

Gregg Myers has served on the school board since 1996, and has enjoyed his position. Myers spoke of having continuity in the top positions in the school system. Myers feels a commitment to meeting goals, and is optimistic.

Susan Simons also has three children, and feels committed to the goal of educating each and every child in the Charleston county school system. She mentioned that our county has been making great strides.

Robin Beard spoke about the need for accountability to each student, regardless of income level. He mentioned that the budget could be reviewed in more detail, and that some spending could be redistributed. Beard related his passion for seeing that all children have education, and also recess time.

Submitted by Jackie Gottfried