Service to Youth – A Challenge of Time

April 4, 2006: Barbara Duncan, Director of the Carolina Youth Development Center, told us that the center as it exists today was formerly the Charleston Orphan Home which was established in 1790! The original organization and its successors have continuously served the youth of our area for all of those years. The center sponsors day care centers and other activities in collaboration with the school district and MUSC. In her presentation today she brought us Latoya Vickers, Match Services Coordinator for BIG BROTHERS AND BIG SISTERS (BBBS).

Latoya reminded us that each one of us has been touched by some special mentor, be that person a parent, a friend, a teacher or even a short term acquaintance. Through visits, trips, activities, events, hobbies, club participation or just a casual conversation, we are better persons today because these events occurred.

BBBS asks all persons in our Tri-County Area to consider becoming a mentor for a disadvantaged young person. The most informal of activity, be it a walk on the new bridge, a visit to “Books-A-Million” or helping in a project in the family garden can become a bonding agent in which the young person finds out what it is like to closely associate with someone who cares. Currently 300 young persons are being served with a goal to serve 1000 by the year 2010. Even then we probably will only reach a quarter of those with needs.

The Community Based program allows one to schedule visits with the young person anytime during the week with 3 to 4 times per month preferred. The School Based Program fits person who can base volunteer during the hours of 10 to 5. You can also sponsor a group event. Becoming a volunteer is easy, requiring a brief application and interview. To join now, call the BBBS at 266-5256.

Reported by Fred Sales, Keyway Committee