Club Social: Oyster Roast!

March 14, 2006: From a spectacular sunset to the dramatic rising of the moon, the Rotary Oyster Roast was held in wonderful weather at the fabulous harbor setting of the Maritime Center. Upon arrival members were greeted by Carroll’s smiley face and a hello by Chappy McKay. For a starter there was literally a boatload of libations on ice. Then came piles of steaming oysters. The crowd did not need to be asked twice to line the tables and shuck away. For the timid, or those wishing a starter, spicy chili was available. As if perfection had not been achieved with the setting and food, the John Tecklenburg Quartet played songs to enhance the moonlight mood. If you were there, you know what we mean. If you missed it –, well, better luck next time, for not coming was a mistake not to be repeated. If you do not remember if you were there, check the pictures.

Reported by Ian Cognito, your Live Guy Spy