Sam Hoerter – Charleston Airport Update
Q and A Session Answers Rotarians Questions

November 15, 2005: Sam Hoerter of the Charleston International Airport was at Tuesday’s meeting to give Rotarians information about what is happening at the airport. Mr. Hoerter first commented that experience had taught him Rotarians did not usually tend toward shyness and that there seemed to be no end to questions and discussion on the subject of airlines and airports so he thought he would offer to conduct a question and answer session rather than a presentation.

Anticipating the first question, Mr. Hoerter beat the group to the punch by announcing that the parking garage would open on Sunday, November 20. He further offered that the garage is an exceptional facility. The next question requested that Mr. Hoerter share his thoughts about how the downturn in the airline industry might affect Charleston. Sam responded that the Charleston airport intentionally minimized contractual requirements of the airlines in order to make it easy for airlines to come and go. By doing so, Charleston would always be served with a new airline when one departed . This has proved to be the case for 20 years.

Mr. Hoerter next answered the question about why air fares to NYC were so much higher in Charleston than in Myrtle Beach. In responding, he attributed the high fares between Charleston and New York to the increasing wealth in the community as people move here who are willing to pay those higher fares. Charleston air fares to NYC are about a third more than the national average. On the other hand, Hoerter pointed out, the airport that can command high fares will always be attractive to new carriers which, in turn, will assure that Charlestonians always have air transportation available when they need it.

Because of the continuing and obvious interest in this topic with no lack of questions, Mr. Hoerter promised President Earl that he would return to our club at a later date to cover the subject in greater depth .

By Helen Harloe, Keyway Committee