Dress for Success
Fall Fashion Show

August 16, 2005- Ellen Berlin and Bob Prenner presented an excellent program that featured both men’s and women’s fashions. We saw the latest in fall wear featuring our own Rotarians as live models and a high-tech presentation.

The colors of brown, grey, and black continue to be popular among women for the Fall. Men are moving towards brighter colors for Fall fashion with an emphasis on comfortable, wearable fashions. Fabrics are natural and a great deal of corduroy is featured for both men and women. For the gentlemen, tweed is modernized, but still great. Corduroy continues to be big and the name means ribbed cloth of Kings. Easy-to-wear, fitted, and comfortable are the watch words this year.

Some exciting women’s fashions come in “one size fits all” and fit very well. We saw a beautiful creation for evening for women that “one size truly fits all.”

Bob Prenner treated us to a number of fashion sayings; the most dramatic was “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society”, according to Mark Twain. Ellen and Bob showed us that a great fashion is timeless and also how we can step into fall with our best foot forward.