Report from Japan, details of Spring social
President-elect Smith offers glimpse into convention trip
JUNE 1, 2004 – The Club held a Spring Social this week at the City Gallery in lieu of its normal business meeting. Attendees were treated to good food, good art, and good company. Because there was no speaker on which to report, the Keyway is instead including the following report from Mark Smith, who attended the Rotary International Convention in Japan this month.
Mark’s Report:
My wife, Elayne and I recently attended the 95th Annual Rotary International Convention in Osaka, Japan on May 23-26th. The Convention Committee and Host Organization Committee did an excellent job with the agenda, programs and social events considering there were 45,560 Registrants and 111 Countries represented and in attendance.
The opening Plenary Session was most impressive. We were welcomed by the Prefecture Governor and the Mayor of Osaka, followed by the Presentation of the Flags of the Rotary World. The past presidents were introduced, and then Rotary International President Jonathon Majiyagbe (from Nigeria) delivered a wonderful presentation and recap of Rotary’s good work in vocational and international service, water management, population and health concerns, literacy and education. There were lots of celebrations of Interact and Youth Exchange, RYLA, The Rotary Foundation, and the family of Rotary, as well as several other causes and programs close to Rotarians’ hearts.
The second plenary session spotlighted the Centennial and the many ways Rotarians can celebrate this Rotary milestone while preparing for a new century of success. There was a Centennial book signing by all the past presidents present and the author, and a president and president-elect recognition luncheon.
The third plenary session opened with a presentation of the Rotary World Peace Award for Understanding and Peace to the Tim Parry Jonathan Ball Trust. Then the Rotary Foundation Trustee Chair, James Lacey, addressed the convention with an inspirational overview of the Foundation’s work to do good in the world.
The fourth and last Plenary Session looked to the future of Rotary, and President-elect Glenn Estess addressed the convention about the areas of focus for the Centennial Year of Rotary.
I would encourage everyone to get involved this year in our club in some capacity. I could not be more honored than I am to lead us into the Centennial Year of Rotary as your President-elect. I look forward to working with each and everyone one of you as we celebrate together the 100th Anniversary of Rotary. God Bless all of you and all the good work Rotarians do in our community, country, and world.
— Amy Jenkins