Rotary leadership changes hands
Mark Smith steps in to fill Anita Zucker’s “huge shoes” as President
June 29, 2004 – – Today outgoing Club President Anita Zucker handed over the gavel to incoming Club President, Mark Smith, and paid tribute to those who helped make the past year a big Rotary success. Anita gave a number of examples about how the Club helped “lend a hand” over the past year, including providing over 350 gifts to needy seniors, assisting with numerous projects at Frazier Elementary, the installation of water purification systems in Ecuador, contributions to Alzheimer’s research, and major donations to the Red Cross blood drive. Anita kindly gave gifts to numerous Rotarians for their efforts.
During the past year, our Club received numerous awards including the Presidential Citation, the District Governor Citation, and awards for best Club Secretary and electronic bulletin.
Mark Smith began his presidency by joking that he had “huge shoes” to fill, but that he would not wear high heels. He also stressed that this was not his year, but rather “our year” to succeed through Rotary.
Mark also presented appreciation gifts to Anita, including a Rotary book that had been signed by the outgoing Rotary International President and numerous former Presidents of Rotary International.
Mark said that the Rotary theme for the year is “Celebrate Rotary.” Rotary International has four areas for clubs to focus on in the coming year: (1) the Family of Rotary; (2) health concerns; (3) water resources; and (4) literacy and education, especially for children.