1/28: John Ravenel: French Huguenot Influence

January 28, 2025

Our guest speaker this week John Ravenel, who is an expert on the French Huguenot history and influence. John, a direct descendent of early Huguenot settlers, gave us excellent historical insights into challenges and the evolution of the Huguenot culture and the factors that gave rise to its power and influence throughout Europe, and eventually the world. The Huguenot influence is especially strong here in Charleston with immigrant Huguenots playing large roles in the early settlement and development of our city. There is a continued strong presence in one of the oldest still operating Huguenot churches in the world.

Read on for more information on how to volunteer for SEWE in February, the fantastic multi-day, cross cultural event that offers something for everyone who has an interest in the outdoors, the environment, wildlife, art and many other interests. Lots more going on as his the round running in 2025. Check the Keyway from important meeting and events information.

To join an upcoming meeting by Zoom use this link and the passcode: Rotary

Continue reading “1/28: John Ravenel: French Huguenot Influence”

1/21: Cliff Roberts: “A Castle in the Charleston Harbor: The Past, Present, & Future of Castle Pinckney”

January 21, 2025

Our guest speaker this week was Cliff Roberts, an well known local author whose works include a book about Castle Pinckney and its role in the history of Charleston. He offered his insights as an historian on this famous, if not enigmatic, landmark the sits in Charleston Harbor.

Read on for more information on how to volunteer for SEWE in February, the fantastic multi-day, cross cultural event that offers something for everyone who has an interest in the outdoors, the environment, wildlife, art and many other interests. Lots more going on as his the round running in 2025. 

Check the Keyway from important meeting and events information. To join an upcoming meeting by Zoom use this link and the passcode: Rotary

Continue reading “1/21: Cliff Roberts: “A Castle in the Charleston Harbor: The Past, Present, & Future of Castle Pinckney””

1/14: Cody Callarman: Cannabis Industry

January 14, 2025

Own Cody Callarman gave us an update on the evolving cannabis industry, offering great insights into legal and medical issues around its production and use. Cody is actively involved various legislative and commercial initiatives focused on hemp and related by-products and has a thriving business called Carolina Dream. His first exposure to the use of cannabis was when he introduced it to his ailing mother who experienced a significant recovery and relief from its use.

Read on for more information on how to volunteer for SEWE in February, the fantastic multi-day, cross cultural event that offers something for everyone who has an interest in the outdoors, the environment, wildlife, art and many other interests.

Lots more going on as his the round running in 2025.  Check the Keyway from important meeting and events information.

To join an upcoming meeting by Zoom use this link and the passcode: Rotary

Continue reading “1/14: Cody Callarman: Cannabis Industry”

1/7: Tom Keppler, Jason Brown, CRDA

January 7, 2025

For our first meeting of 2025 we welcomed Tom Keppler and Jason Brown of the Charleston Regional Development Alliance (CRDA). They gave us an update on the economic growth happening in our region and some of the programs CRDA uses to recruit top companies and talent to the Charleston area. The CRDA plays a key role in promoting the attractiveness of the region and contributing to our enviable track record in growing and diversifying our economy.

Read on for more information on how to volunteer for SEWE in February, the fantastic multi-day, cross cultural event that offers something for everyone who has an interest in the outdoors, the environment, wildlife, art and many other interests.

Lots more going on as his the round running in 2025.  Check the Keyway from important meeting and events information.

To join an upcoming meeting by Zoom use this link and the passcode: Rotary

Continue reading “1/7: Tom Keppler, Jason Brown, CRDA”

12/10: Gabby Herrar & Mary Frances Page: Southeastern Wildlife Expo

December 10, 2024

We welcomed Gabby Herrar and Mary Frances Page of the Southeastern Wildlife Expo (SEWE) to give us a preview of this extremely popular even that attracts visitors from all over the world to Charleston. And they offered Rotarians a unique opportunity to volunteer at this year’s event (Feb 14-16) and help raise money for Rotary at the same time. Read on for more information on how to volunteer. SEWE is fantastic multi-day, cross cultural event that offers something for everyone who has an interest in the outdoors, the environment, wildlife, art and many other interests.

Lots going on this Holiday Season in Rotary with volunteer opportunities, events and more great speakers. Check the Keyway from important meeting and events information.

To join an upcoming meeting by Zoom use this link and the passcode: Rotary

Continue reading “12/10: Gabby Herrar & Mary Frances Page: Southeastern Wildlife Expo”